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About GvnrRickPerry

  • Birthday 08/26/1982

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  • Interests
    My son, computers, networking, linux, server systems, virtualization (ESX mainly), model helicopters, shooting, riding motorcycles... And so much more!
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    [AK907] Clan
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield 4
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  1. Thanks you guys (and gals)! Happy [belated] fathers day to all the other fathers out there too!!! I've been spending lots of time with my son this week - he'll be 9 in a couple days and we've been super busy taking him to basketball camp and just hanging out. Wouldn't change it for anything in the world! -GvnrRickPerry
  2. I'm not detesting that it's not the best AV out there... But as long as you're not an avid pornaholic or frequent of sites that introduce various baddies to your PC, it works fine. I've been using MSE for several years now and I've not been infected, but I do have to deal with infections on an almost daily basis (I'm the IT Coordinator for an architecture firm of about 80 employees) and know what to look out for and how to keep from getting infected. I've got access to other security suites such as Vipre AV, Norton, and McAffe, but I've tried them all and they all just use too many resources for my likings. Back when I had a crap-puter I was clawing for all the resources I could get just to play BF and I found that MSE offered the lowest footprint and least-invasive AV protection. I wouldn't install it on a known offenders computer, but it's not as bad as that article makes it out to be. Again, not trying to argue, just giving my two cents regarding MSE as AV... Sorry for jacking the thread... I'll leave now. -Gvnr
  3. Why not use the free Microsoft Security Essentials? :)
  4. Just now getting back to this. :) So... I'm an IT Manager for an architecture firm and I put a virtual host in a colo datacenter... They have some legitimate speeds there (obviously)... I SOOOOOO O wish this was my home!!!! LOL!
  5. O. M. G.... "Morning Sunset" FTW...
  6. I'll just leave this here.... Living the dream... Living the dream....
  7. I'm over at NFO for game servers and the support is definitely top notch - I usually receive a reply in less than 10 minutes. As for web hosting, I do not use them - one of our founding members owns a dedicated server so we host the web page and a few other things on it.
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