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Everything posted by Insanity_Kiss

  1. Even Balance are convinced that there is no mistake. It's not errors? #89265 Battlefield 4 & Americas Army #81568 Battlefield 4 #79551 Battlefield 3 #80763 Battlefield 3 #81567 Battlefield 3 #89229 Battlefield 3 #89246 Battlefield 3 #89296 Battlefield 3 #89800 Battlefield 3 #132056 Battlefield 3 #50120 Battlefield 2 Please provide me with a version of PunkBuster anceine before 2014/09/01 / I think I can reproduce the error on video.
  2. Hello, Violation GameHack # 81570 false positive 99% http://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield3/comments/2ke43h/punkbuster_ban_81570/ http://gyazo.com/215e30255f9d7a9550b50194b6267c3b http://i.imgur.com/38sI4LM.png http://i.imgur.com/WAAMpMm.png https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ocr5XS75sb-Bat5HnBIz8tGskQz87fNBQ0Ij0_ZPs4o/edit?pli=1 http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/fr/gate/?returnUrl=|bf3|fr|forum|search|0|score|
  3. Hello, Please what kind of code this one is? GAMEHACK #81570. I don't cheat, I have been banned without any reason. PunkBuster seems to be incapable to say what it is. Thank you,
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