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  1. lol are serious ?? i do cheat in single player games, like the one i got banned for "Godus" aded few crystals to speed up the game but, played css, all of bfs wow, swg, eq and eq2 and whole bunch of othere online games and it never cheated in them.
  2. it looks like this violation is "just in case", we don't actually know if U cheated in bf but U could have... anyway why not every pb ban is a global ban?
  3. so not every PB ban is a global ban? (that's kinda stupid) Is there anyway to know what (GAMEHACK) #81518 is ?? ps thanks a lot for all the answers!! I know that it's Your job to babysit me but this topic is on top of google search, and the only one where someone is actually giving some answers not just screaming cheater !! thanks again
  4. thank for clearing that up for me! So in that case i got banned by whatever methods ggc is using not pb since I can still play on pb protected servers, but not on ggc protected servers, something like a screenshot right ?
  5. i don't get who is who in this punkbuster - anti cheat soft right?? pbbans - ?? EB - ?? GGC - ?? can anyone explain this to me please?
  6. I got the same ban, made an appeal on EB site, that got same answer as everybody else, wanted to make an appeal on pbb site, but it says that it's not in MBI, so how does that work?? next thing: on gcc site the time stamp says 21:04, my guild in swtor raids at that time so i wasn't even playing bf4 when i got that ban, huh ?? finally i got in touch with ea support, and a guy there said that he doesn't see my account being banned, again huh?? and he said that they already had few other ppl complaining about it... and to help me out i got a discount coupon to buy another copy but since i don't know what triggered the ban i'll stay way clear of any PB protected game. Regards Bart
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