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Everything posted by Takatu002

  1. Hi, even if I repeat my self now. Sorry. For me EB say clearly that this is not a ban by EB. And it is my experience too. The ban is ONLY on streaming server's and not on "only" PB protected servers. I fully support that even CE is "only" running in the background that a "kick" or a time limited ban is executed. And I fully support that a global ban is issued if any BF4 related is or was accessed by CE. It would be wrong from EB to say it is a false positive because it is right to trigger the violation. For me I'm only speaking about the consequence this violation has. As I wrote above EB say clear that they are not responsible for the ban. And I think this log show it clear too: You wrote it often enough. So you don't need to repeat your self. PB kicks for 2 minutes and you change it to a global ban. But why do you think you have to? And If you want we can reproduce this on any server you have access to on demand if you want to see it with your own eyes.
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