I just got this ban in BF3. I had played on a few servers before switching to rTr Dallas. Shortly after a new round began I was kicked/banned for 2minutes, then perma banned afterwards which redirected me here. After submitting tickets to Evenbalance and PBBans, I started doing research on the ban.
Apparently having Cheat Engine installed or running a process gets you this ban and it has been reproduced by people already. Also ShadowPlay from Nvidia seems to be causing this to happen as well. I have both CE installed and Nvidia Shadowplay installed at the time of the ban. ( http://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/comments/1sbrbl/pbebpbb_2nd_false_positive_banwave_being_ignored/ Some of the information I found.)
For some reason most of these bans are happening in BF4 but mine occurred in BF3. I had played the beta to it before though.
Is anyone been able to get this appealed ? I would like to go back to playing BF3 as soon as possible.