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  1. Fair enough, not really but if that's your reason then ok. One last request then if you could find and quote the exact line in punkbuster's policies stating software such as cheat-engine isn't allowed to simply be on the computer even if not used to cheat or even ran except in games and services that explicitly allow it?
  2. So just to make sure...your are and have admitted that having cheat engine present in the memory logs of a computer can result and is most likely the cause of #81518...regardless if it isn't used in bf4 or in any disallowed way. Instead of trying to debate this as you in general seem to as you say "not care" about legitate players of bf4 I'd simply like to know how you view this as even slightly justified or fair? Its fine and expected to tell people to not use cheat-engine for a multiplayer game under your service but how did you people come to the decision that it isn't allowed ANYWHERE? Even if completely unused in bf4 and utterly harmless. Now I don't want to have to compare this to real life as of course its a game but this issue seems to fit rather well. Your banning of players who simply posses a program and use OUTSIDE bf4 and in a responsibly way would be equivalent to arresting somebody for owning a legal firearm, who only ever used it correctly, simply because the gun "could" be used to kill. So please, please tell me how you can honestly defend this and believe it justified?"
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