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Everything posted by Yikii

  1. hey guys, i downloaded this Add game : Cod 4 then im going on Check for Updates im getting this bug : http://i.epvpimg.com/EveAd.png can i fix that? or can somebody just send me his PB folder? i looked at so much videos not even one worked
  2. yea but how to use it?!
  3. Punkbuster stopped it for COD 4. Thats why its useless to download it. my Punkbuster will only work if someone is going to upload his PB file.
  4. Hey guys, Im searching for Punkbuster file because im in need of it Currently running Windows 7 64bit. I downloaded the PB file from a user on this site without succed so maybe someone is going to upload it for me
  5. Can you Explain it a Bit better? I got windowsn7 64Bit
  6. doesnt work for me how to do it?
  7. man where can i get PB file for COD 4?
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