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  1. I'm trying out the ACI scanner. Thanks XDeath
  2. Yeah I know it matches colors. I was curious why so-called innocent/legit players will have Pixel Found on their screens no matter the circumstance. I mean screen after screen of normal play with have pixel found. I wonder if it's a driver issue. I have looked at a lot of cheaters from the MBi on pbscreens with mixed results. Some have pixel found, most don't. I'm just naturally curious why that is and if all those so-called legit players with pixel found is just an anomaly or of it is in anyway related to cheating. Anyway, I love pbscreens and if I can ever get a login to this standalone program I'm sure I will love that too. This is what makes me so curious. This guy received a game hack violation (not a pbss ban) today. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-18c6626c-vb372255.html Two of his pbss are dirty but the rest are clean. They all have Pixel Found. Maybe his crap screenshot cleaner failed twice but worked the other time or is it something else that triggered the color filter. It's very odd. https://pbscreens.com/?player-6239435 These screens won't be there very long so if you don't see them they have expired.
  3. Any idea what causes legit players to have Pixel Found labeled pbss at pbscreens.com? I have seen many players with Pixel Found on their pbss but no cheat is visible, or they have Pixel Found on some screens and they don't have it on others. What the heck is that all about? Someone said things like repair tool (BF3) and scoreboard trigger your filter but it doesn't do that for me when I look at my screens. Once I realized all cheaters have Pixel Found (at least in my experience) I now only look at those screens. Is that what everyone else does? I tend to assume anyone who has Pixel Found is perhaps cheating but the reason you don't always see a cheat is because their screen shot saver kicked in? I don't know, it's very odd. I have heard SweetFX enhances graphics but I know a few players that use it and it does not make them have Pixel Found on their screens.
  4. OK, Fozzer. I thought the pbbans bans (minus the demos and pbss bans) were the same as a PB global ban because you were merely taking the PB kick/ban from the PB logs and publishing it for all to see. I think I know what you are doing. PB kicks you first (followed by a ban if you do it again??), you take that and turn it in to a ban on pbbans network. Thanks Moral of the story, play on pbbans streaming servers. I guess that's also why I see "enforcing prior ban" on pbbans streaming servers. Someone busted on a pbbans server was trying to rejoin a pbbans server. p.s. Is the only way to search the MBi for a player's history is by being a server admin? I'm not a server admin but I like looking up people I think are cheating because a lot of the BF3 servers I play on have no admins on them any more (damn you BF4). I use another site for the player history but I like this site a lot. It seems bigger than the other sites.
  5. It's my understanding that pbbans takes the punkbuster ban command from the punkbuster stream, issues the ban and then publishes it and shares it to all other pbbans connected servers. I know MD5 and PBSS are pbbans specific -- other anti-cheat sites do similar but I'm talking pbbans. Also, it's my understanding that when punkbuster detects a cheat and issues a ban on a server that doesn't stream to pbbans that is what is called a global punkbuster ban. Aside from MD5 and PBSS bans issued by pbbans can someone who was busted with aimbot, game hack, etc on a pbbans streaming server still play on servers that do not stream to pbbans? I saw a guy the otehr day that was obviously cheating. I looked him up on another ac site I am a member of and it showed him with an aimbot violation from a month ago. I asked in chat how he was able to play and someone said it was because that server didn't stream pbbans. It threw my whole understanding of pbbans in to a loop. Thanks
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