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About nostie

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    Call of Duty 2
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. I just answered in ticket system so you can delete this topic.
  2. Doesn't matter, I just want you to let me apply for streaming. My guid is clean, you don't have any proper reason to delete my application.
  3. Hi, I have tried to apply streaming for my cod2 server. I have provided my guid: 154a7fcc which is not banned. I have been using this guid since 2007 in same country. When I applied, I received a following message from fozzer the my streaming application was deleted. "For a successful team account application, the applicant must supply a pbguid that is totally unique to the applicant. Your submitted pbguid has been used by players from multiple countries. This means you have failed a security check and your application will be deleted as soon as you acknowledge this response or after 3 days of none response. If you wish to discuss anything please raise a ticket on our forums; http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?app=tickets If you need to stream your server for league competition purposes, contact a league admin and they will add your server to the league team account." I don't understand why I can't apply for streaming. What do you mean "Your submitted pbguid has been used by players from multiple countries" I am only person that use this guid, the guid is clean so what is the problem? Oh because I have changed my broadband and there is a different address IP? Please let me apply for streaming. Regards, nostie
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