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  1. i had 12 Support Tickets closed on me from punkbuster all about the same thing. Their reply in every single ticket, We no longer support this game please contact activision. So 12 days in arguing with Activision they pass me to their higher up tech support guy david. He tells me, nothing can be done simply because they have no control over punkbuster files/workings. i went back to punkbuster and showed them the convo i had with activision. they just said we no longer support the game. ------------------------------------------------------------- This is completely insane! i asked them so if i buy a TV from Sony and i had a problem with it, they'd tell me to talk to panasonic???? because it's basically all their doing. It's their program their software causing the problem or lack of causing the problem and they won't help because they want another company that's NOT their own company to try and help fix something that the other company has no control over??? But yet to this day... this game is still being sold!! what on earth is wrong with this industry! As for the error, it's the same error everyone who plays World at war will get on a fresh installaton. Activision won't help, punkbuster won't support their own software! the only fix i found was this and it works! Since Punkbuster has dropped support for World at War, I've pulled together the necessary files for a new W@W install so we can still play multiplayer with a newly installed game. First - of course - install the game. Then, make sure PB is installed by running this file: pbsvc.exe Then unzip this folder pb.zip to your World at War install folder (the folder that contains CoDWaWmp.exe) Default install folders: Steamspps\Common\Call of Duty - World at War\ it seems that this loss of PB support is permanent (it also dropped for COD4), so I'd suggest backing these files up. I have them backed up too, so if the links go dead, I can fix this post. Here are the PB files for Call of Duty 4. Same process: just unzip this file into your COD4 root folder (the one containing the .exe for the game): http://www.mediafire.com/download/40g6nwjbgrmjo3e/COD4_PB.zip http://www.wsgfmedia.com/Abram/COD4_PB.zip All other PB files for other legacy (punkbuster-depreciated) game can be found here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/legacy-punkbuster-files-cat7.html This is the ONLY way i've found that allows you to play the game you've bought and paid good money for! Punkbuster as a company not supporting their own software is shameful, and activision passing the buck back to PB is just what you'd expect.
  2. Hello, before i begin i didn't know steam/activision expected you to be a rocket scientist to try and play this game. After 20 kicks from this game, i decide to ask someone in game. Lucky for me, they didn't tell me to F off noob, or be nasty they was infact helpful. they mention even though steam is still selling this game it no longer is supported with punkbuster. Well they tell me to come here download the legacy files and i should be fine. ---------------------------------------------------------- So i download the legacy.rar from this forum, run the setup Choose the game World At War from the drop down list. It automatically finds the path to my game... great so far soo good! The second i click Add game, it instantly updates to 3.8 and the game vanishes. Tried adding the game, by re-running the setup file and soon as i click ADD game cancel the automatic update... the game is clearly now in the program. i load up world at war... and then instantly kicked again for 0 mins due to this server needs (bunch of numbers versions) the same ones when you add the game. So i'm completely at a loss now.. i've spent over 2 hours now downloading legacy files. re-installing, i've tried updating after the games added, nope kicked, tried cancel the auto update. same issue kicked from game. i'm now honestly thinking this is the main role of the game.. objective try and not get kicked. So if anyone else would like to shed some light step by step what i'm doing wrong it would be great.
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