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Everything posted by Lion68

  1. i fix it for my self so now i can play but thanks for the answer who not will answer lol
  2. i fix it for my self so now i can play but thanks for the answer who not will answer lol
  3. hey all long time.i have other account and im the H.E.A.T. and allso i will say at i test the usa clan tags 2021-02-14 and i did play in 30 min then i was kick but its not standing for the clan tags was only connection lost not connect to server and all in usa clan some of they cant play and they be kick to for 2 min or 3 min every times when they join others server i have log files and i did report this to bunkbuster but you know we never get the answer from them:(and i try to do it from then 14 tills today.HELP AAUI_ComponentController::ChangeState(LoginMenuState, True) CurrentStateName:'LoginMenuState' PreviousState:'MainMenuState' 2021.02.14-22.17.40 [0020.00] Log: PunkBuster Client: Game Version [319295] 2021.02.14-22.17.40 [0020.00] Log: PunkBuster Client: Not Connected to a Server 2021.02.14-22.17.40 [0020.40] Error: AAULoginResponse: 1, 200 2021.02.14-22.17.41 [0020.99] ScriptLog: OnAAULoginComplete(True, ERROR: Could Not Retrieve Soldier Data) 2021.02.14-22.17.41 [0020.99] ScriptLog: AAUI_ComponentController::ChangeState(MainMenuState, True) CurrentStateName:'MainMenuState' PreviousState:'LoginMenuState' 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.00] Exit: Windows client shut down 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.04] Exit: XAudio2 Device shut down. 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.09] Exit: AK Audio shut down. 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.24] Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed. 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.25] Log: Shutting down FaceFX... 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.25] Log: FaceFX shutdown. 2021.02.16-00.02.25 [0728.36] Exit: Exiting. 2021.02.16-00.02.25 [0728.36] Log: Log file closed, 02/16/21 00:02:25 all this TcpNetDriver_3 shut down from 0-3 is shut down
  4. hey all long time.i have other account and im the H.E.A.T. and allso i will say at i test the usa clan tags 2021-02-14 and i did play in 30 min then i was kick but its not standing for the clan tags was only connection lost not connect to server and all in usa clan some of they cant play and they be kick to for 2 min or 3 min every times when they join others server i have log files and i did report this to bunkbuster but you know we never get the answer from them:(and i try to do it from then 14 tills today.HELP AAUI_ComponentController::ChangeState(LoginMenuState, True) CurrentStateName:'LoginMenuState' PreviousState:'MainMenuState' 2021.02.14-22.17.40 [0020.00] Log: PunkBuster Client: Game Version [319295] 2021.02.14-22.17.40 [0020.00] Log: PunkBuster Client: Not Connected to a Server 2021.02.14-22.17.40 [0020.40] Error: AAULoginResponse: 1, 200 2021.02.14-22.17.41 [0020.99] ScriptLog: OnAAULoginComplete(True, ERROR: Could Not Retrieve Soldier Data) 2021.02.14-22.17.41 [0020.99] ScriptLog: AAUI_ComponentController::ChangeState(MainMenuState, True) CurrentStateName:'MainMenuState' PreviousState:'LoginMenuState' 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.00] Exit: Windows client shut down 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.04] Exit: XAudio2 Device shut down. 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.09] Exit: AK Audio shut down. 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.24] Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed. 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.25] Log: Shutting down FaceFX... 2021.02.16-00.02.24 [0728.25] Log: FaceFX shutdown. 2021.02.16-00.02.25 [0728.36] Exit: Exiting. 2021.02.16-00.02.25 [0728.36] Log: Log file closed, 02/16/21 00:02:25 all this TcpNetDriver_3 shut down from 0-3 is shut down
  5. hi i have to 8777 in aapg and not 7778??how can i change that??its allso say at im not inlog in stream in server.
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