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  1. So if I understand you correctly, there are two options that someone, who was banned, can choose: Either you can join the minority, as I did, and be polite and friendly when you open a ticket and provide as much information, which you think could be helpful. The result will be that EB won’t conduct a further investigation due to lack of information given by the minority of players (so you are considered as collateral damage I guess) or join the majority and be rude and act as you would be the son of Don Corleone or the president of the U.S. and provide nothing but abusive language to EB. The result will be that EB won’t conduct a further investigation due to lack of information. Conclusion: Whatever option you’ll choose, in the end EB won’t take action, right? If so, please tell me, from the point of someone who got banned, what is the sense of appealing to a ban?
  2. I did include a small list in my ticket of programs which could have triggered punkbuster (according to my opinion) and asked them kindly if these programs were known for interfering with punkbuster. All I got was this answer "I'm sorry, but a new GUID is required in order to play on PB enabled servers once again as these bans are not removed. A new Cdkey and account is needed in order to acquire a new GUID." Thats why I dont think that they are willing to look at anything that you bring to the table ... not via the appeal ticket (but feel free to prove me wrong)
  3. I know. Thought you meant it ironically … so therefore my reply was ironical too But for many people Punkbuster is still infallible ...
  4. 29.09 - 04.11 - 647 Bans for Game Hack #81570 ... but it's definitely not a false ban. Punkbuster never ever banned people because of false positives. They banned this 647 people in one month not just for fun. But I don’t want to say that this people cheated as Punkbuster have no way to know who triggered the violation. If it is certain that no one who have played on their computers ever had a cheat/hack violation triggered by PunkBuster, then maybe their GUIDs have been stolen by or leaked to someone who has used it on a different computer to trigger the violation. Maybe if 2000 people get banned for this violation it could be a false positive. 5000 and more you can be sure its a false positive. So you dont have to be scared to play ... :brownbag:
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