So if I understand you correctly, there are two options that someone, who was banned, can choose:
Either you can join the minority, as I did, and be polite and friendly when you open a ticket and provide as much information, which you think could be helpful. The result will be that EB won’t conduct a further investigation due to lack of information given by the minority of players (so you are considered as collateral damage I guess)
join the majority and be rude and act as you would be the son of Don Corleone or the president of the U.S. and provide nothing but abusive language to EB. The result will be that EB won’t conduct a further investigation due to lack of information.
Conclusion: Whatever option you’ll choose, in the end EB won’t take action, right? If so, please tell me, from the point of someone who got banned, what is the sense of appealing to a ban?