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  1. Hi, I started playing BF3 a few weeks ago and everything ran fine until yesterday. Punkbuster kicked me with the above message. I don't use any hacks and I didn't install anything but Origin, Battlefield 3 and the latest GeForce drivers an a fresh Windows 7 64 bit. Also there are no suspicious threads, processes or services running. I know there are many problems with the above violation at this time and it is pretty obvious, that this is a false positive of punkbuster like in June 2014. I already opened an issue on EvenBalance, but no reply until now. I hope PBBANS starts using it's influence or connections to EvenBalance, so that they start working on this issue. If someone could at least provide information, what #81570 means, we would know what to look for on our pcs and find the problem. Here is my ban on pbbans: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-e2fb3129-vb372872.html [pbbans.com]
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