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  1. what are you talking about????Yes its best to lock this one for you. Just ban some players without giving any proof for ban! this videos was recording during a period of suposed hackng: as anticheat expert you tell me is there hacking involved and do such player need hacks???
  2. move on??? He is clean and is not stupid to use even private hacks not to mention free ones. How to move on when you dont know what triggered ban and it was not cheat. Stop playing pb enabled fps games? what? It easy to say when you was not colateral damage.
  3. guid of player i was talking is : e0df3582a0564526a4b2f142ba8eca92 i assure you there were no cheating involved! On battlelog forums one of moderators said that this violation is connected to some free hack. Player who got ban have over 3000 hours in bf2, over 2300 hours in bf3 and over 500 hours in bf4 always with good stats and he was server admin in all those games and still is member of several anticheat sites. Do you think that someone who is over 40 years old and who is aware how punkbuster works would use some free hacks which are detected immediatelly after they came online to accomplish same stats as before???? I dont know what triggered false ban but cheats was not involved for sure. He is playing on low settings (has 144 Hz monitor and 144 fps locked for now are possible only on low settings). I sow some on his screen texture flickering and distance objects not showing properly or even missing is some cases so that can be mistaken as some sort of wallhack or something else but cheats was not involved. his account was not compromised/stolen so nobody could trigger that ban for him.
  4. Who ever said that there are no legit bans for this violation??? Its not the point here, point is that same violation was triggered for some legal software interfering with punkbuster!
  5. Even more is unfortunate that only some of bans are false and draw such attention??? Are you one who was hit by false ban? My friend now cant play bf4 because he does not know what triggered ban on his machine and because of that he can get false ban on that game too. He payed 100$ bf3 premiuim and same as much bf4 premium. He spend over 2000 euros on hardware to play those games.Now he cant play those games without been guilty for anything.On top of that he is marked as cheater and he cant clear his name because evenbalance does not want to conffes flaws in theit anticheat system and it OK with them to have some "colateral damage". How would you fell if you were in place of my friend?How would you feel if you lost pbbans staff status because punkbuster marked you as cheater even you never installed any kind of cheats on your computer? Would you then write same as now?
  6. Yes, and did you noticed how many new accounts with only just several hours of play all with green stats have been banned? Many of those players complaining and persistently denying cheating. Why they would do that if they are guilty when new key is just several dollars?
  7. well some of bans for sure are false positive. my friend was banned after 2400 hours of clean play. I watched him playing many times and he had always constant good stats before and in time when the ban was triggered. His account and guid was not compromised and he never had installed any cheats even for single players. So you are wrong do you think that someone over 40 years old would after 2400 hours of play used hacks to have same/similar stats as before??
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