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  1. i think you make a good point. i was banned from some games in BF4 because of what turned out to be a false positive in BF3. Having paid for BF4 this isn't exactly fair! (my BF3 was Origin-gifted) I still subscribe to the idea that if people are buying games (ie it's not Free-to-Play) then you should let people play if they remove whatever's causing the violations. This allows people caught in false violations the option to update drivers etc that might be causing the false trigger. And presumably hackers would have to remove their hacks I don't know if it's a viable solution or not.
  2. Mandizzy I was one of the banned people. It's nothing to i with PBBans as such . Punkbuster messed up the detections and issued a false positive. Eerywhere else (PBB, GGC, ACI) upheld that ban and then fixed it as soon as EvenBalance fixed the issue My account is back to normal now Maybe you're dropping out for some other reason?
  3. fortunately this situation has been rectified. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=faq-generic.php "Tuesday 12.09.2014 [3:15PM] We have confirmed that Violations #81570 and #81576 in BF3 may be triggered by non-cheat software. These Violation codes have been removed from our system and we encourage server admins to give the benefit of the doubt to players who raised these violation numbers."
  4. someone posted some tools after #81570 happened to show all running processes & installed software. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wfnYKnks1eX7bQtM91LQ812czePGP_-nEs2A7I991XY/viewform?c=0&w=1&fbzx=-612477840191172110 I found this quite useful information to in general aside from this PB issue to see what's on my system, so I'll share anyway *full detail of your pc with speccy, http://www.piriform.com/speccy/builds (I recommend the portable ones to avoidtoolbars).... File --> Publish Snapshot * use CCleaner for program listing txt generation. https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds (once again take the portable ones to avoid toolbars) Click the Tools icon at left. In the Uninstall screen, click the Save to text file... button. Choose a location and type a name for the text file (the default is install.txt), and then click Save. * your average process list using Process Hacker, http://processhacker.sourceforge.net/
  5. PBStaff_Nick, i appreciate what you are saying here, and I've watched videos of what happens when hackers roam free on a server. That's not fun for anyone, so I can understand the role EB has to play and that can involve looking at a lot of support tickets as well. But I think there's some obvious frustration for players here, partly maybe due to the nature of the replies. I would ask that EB might consider a standard response that encourages users to provide more information and informs the player that EB would look into the issue (as you have stated above). Currently the replies I've had don't really ask for any more information.. they just basically say "you need to buy a new copy". I would have listed my whole set of running processes (as well as servers I joined etc) on my ticket had I known this info was required or useful. As a new PC player, it's not quite clear what would have been the cause of the ban and what info you would need to look into it as I don't know how PB works or whether it is scanning resident memory etc. Currently my ticket (EB2342000816780) has just been closed with "these bans are not removed. A new Cdkey and account is needed". I think this is why some might conclude, as you say that, "no one is looking in to their EB Support Ticket, or no one cares". I don't think that's true, as obviously if the system didn't work nobody would want to use it, but it's down to how it is communicated. To be honest, your response above gives me more confidence in the appeal system than the information I've got from my support ticket Having trawled through forums since my ban to look into occurences like this , historically it can be seen that problems do occur with identifying valid software, and bans do get overturned. If (appealing) players understood that these things take time to rectify and that sometimes these issues arise as a side effect of maintaining fair play for the majority, then they might be a little patient all round. Currently we feel at a dead end because of those tickets being closed in that manner. anyway thanks for your reply. I wasn't expecting anyone from EB here. I just came to find out if anyone knew what the cause of 81576 might be, because if I decided to invest in any more EA games, I want to be sure I'm not triggering the same issue. J.
  6. Hi, Sorry for the confusion.. I wasn't suggesting my ban was here. I've got an appeal out with EB. I was mainly just wondering if anyone who manages a server knows what the #81576 actually refers to? we have EA looking into it. There's no cheat software / hacks etc on my machine. The only things I had were SweetFX for MSAA (I've since found out that could warrant a kick so i removed it after having it for 1 game only), FRAPS/MSI Afterburner/GPU-Z for checking my framerates and temps because they were getting too high, and a user.cfg with these 2 lines to try fix some of the stuttering i was getting RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0 RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 0 I'm new to PC gaming from Xbox360 BF3. I didn't think these things could warrant a ban from what I've read on the forums (again having received a kick from a server I removed them anyway). So I am unsure what's caused it. I've encouraged other people affected to be civil and patient! No systems are perfect. I imagine EB's stock responses "of go buy a new key" are to put off people who were actually cheating. I've seen instances of them suggesting emailing software to [email protected] for them to check the binary signatures and if they are causing an issue. I've not had that response yet, but I'm trying to keep my ticket open and hope they will engage further. thanks J https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/user/jmp909
  7. Hi, i got banned for this, but wasn't cheating. I've never installed any hacks. I did try some FPS overlays (Rivatuner, Fraps) and had an FXAA injector running for 1 game (SweetFX) which I removed immediately, after having received a kick for dxgi.dll I'm just wondering if anyone knows what #81576 refers to specifically. I'd be keen to know if it refers to anything specific? There have been 300+ bans over a couple of days. Can't get evenbalance to do anything, EA_Dice are looking into it. Not sure who resolves these things thanks J http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/user/jmp909/
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