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Everything posted by ALKA_SEXUALKA

  1. ...becouse one admin who puts me on some crazy ban list .... with no reason (never proofed) I have to spend another 70 euros???
  2. Ok,I agree 100% Can you tell me what I have to do now???
  3. Thank you very much.... I have forgot to say 2 more things: 1.Sorry for my bad english 2.I can play Bf3 and Bf4 ... but recently I started to be kicked and baned from RANDOM servers with the words "suspected cheating" 3.No explenation,no proof.... honestly I never did something like that..(dont know how even if I will)...I am just not in to that Lets wait and see ..... but fair is not .. So many hakers out there ruin our games.... and they kick me Thanx again
  4. Note #2: Globally Banned by Even Balance Player Name: ALKA_SEXUALKA GUID: db8ec01e6b4e2f8a5571c2198795926e Game: Battlefield 3 What is that?
  5. Hello alka_sexualka, Thank you for submitting your request for support at Even Balance. This is an automated e-mail notification. Please do not respond to this message. Any replies to this e-mail address will be lost. Please visit your trouble ticket support link in order to view or update your trouble ticket. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/update_ticket.php?ticketnumber=EB6085000821772&password=7e615eb49ad4f4557980e6c5c241d2 Sincerely, The Support Team at Even Balance I dont even know how this works .... trouble ticket
  6. http://www.anticheatinc.net/forums/bansearch.php?search=alka_sexualka&game=BF3&submit=Submit
  7. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/update_ticket.php?ticketnumber=EB6085000821772&password=7e615eb49ad4f4557980e6c5c241d2&special_message=new_ticket
  8. Avatar? ok.I will try thank you
  9. But whats the reason? There is no explenation!!!!
  10. Can you pls just tell me why? What have I done?
  11. Game disconnected: you were excluded by the administrator. State the reason: metabans.com: SUSPECTED CHEATING Can you pleas tell me what happened,sorry for my bad english .... I have never cheated or anything like that ... but some server keep kicking and ban me from no reason. Please help.... http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/ALKA_SEXUALKA/stats/349199269/pc/ http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/ALKA_SEXUALKA/stats/349199269/pc/ These are my stats .... Thank you
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