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Depetris 1967

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About Depetris 1967

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  1. I think this was just a misunderstanding and personally I feel that dingo is just stating how he read the posts. Let's all calm down and give each other some breathing room and please let's not turn this thread into a flame of anyone. Deep breaths everyone. If you have a hard time doing that go down to the local pub pick out a nice blonde and ask her to take a few deep breaths for you.
  2. the pbsv.cfg should be inside your pb folder. The pbbans.dat for it to work and auto update should also be placed inside your pb folder where it will automatically be loaded by the pb software. The sof2mpbans file (sorry for the incorrect name) should be in your rocmod folder or the mod folder that you are currently using. If you find that you have no pbsv.cfg inside your pb folder you can (thru rcon) issue a pb_sv_writecfg command and it will create one for you inside your servers pb folder. Hope some of this helps.
  3. You should add this setting to your pbsv.cfg and it will automatically update any bans you make on your server by adding them to the servers pbbans.dat file. pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 // [0=no, 1=yes] Set to 1 (defaults to 0) if you want PB to automatically update the permanent ban file (pbbans.dat) after each change to the banlist in memory.
  4. It is a error in the newest version of rocmod it's been reported to arrnor and he supposedly has fixed it and replaced the download on his website. If you still find the fixed version or rocmod contains this error i suggest you report it to arrnor so he can get it fixed. Although it doesn't hurt to let the other admins and players here know about this type of error.
  5. When did this 2.1a version get released? I was on arrnors website a few days ago and only saw 2.0c versions available.
  6. allowable ranges for sys_versionignore = "11" is 0 or 1 not 11. I would off hand have to say that anytime I see a non command being used such as the "speed" one we saw a year ago alot or settings that are outside the engines allowable ranges make me just a bit worried. Especially with hacks that allow you to define your own cvars that you want to use. Overall I guess I just find this new number setting for this cvar odd. Would be interesting to see the people using it define what it does exactly at that setting. Cause the sof2 engine does nothing if it's set to 11 but ignore it.
  7. watchlists are for excessive reports of some type of game abuse. Not for a single report. If you start getting hundreds of people using this cvar as we have with other ones that are hack related and some we still haven't proved are hack related we can start adding it to a watchlist.
  8. The sof2 game needs to be purchased by an adult. It has a mature rating and requires you be at least 18 to purchase the game for play. So what the hell is a 15 year old kid doing playing something that he is not even old enough to buy in the store? Hmmmm....
  9. Good try at a improper appeal to a valid catch. Better luck next time guys.
  10. properly appeal your ban next time bro, there's a link on the main page of the website for just that.
  11. done B)
  12. ipb doesn't like html style characters meaning ~| type stuff in your login name. Your account is there just needs a slight adjustment for it to fully work properly.
  13. well you only list one of the variations of it's explanation. I will not get into this debate repeatedly. It's nice that you like to use it and if you'll notice games that were released after sof2 have locked this cvar from being adjusted at all. This is due to it being exploited. What pmove does in laymans terms is to allow you to be one place and tell the server you are somewhere else. What that means also in laymens terms is your opponents fire at you where they see you (due to the server saying to them you are here) and you actually being elsewhere (meaning they miss you completely). There is a very nice explaination of using this exploit on several cheat forums. IT IS A CHEAT. Although not a bannable one. Using it is cheating in many admins eyes just the same. And also newer games using the q3 game engine lock it from being used. That right there should tell you something. Now go back to johnny's server and play with it there some more.
  14. all your managing to do with your ramblings is to make your friend sfinks look bad. You aren't directly answering anyones questions about why we should lift the ban. You aren't doing the proper thing and appealing it with valid reasons why it should be lifted. You are making unverified claims of how a ss of someone should prove it wasn't you. (a ss doesn't prove anything as it doesn't show the ip of the person in the shot and there is no way it would verify your statements) Give us a break or appeal the ban properly and stop trying to make your "friend" sfinks look bad here.
  15. 1. I don't support key generated cd keys for games. Those are generally globally banned nowadays by pb directly. To complain about a global ban you need to go to http://www.evenbalance.com and use their support ticket system... Don't expect them to lift a global ban for using a generated key. 2. If that is your guid on the banlist then you need to get a new guid by "BUYING" a copy of the game. As that ban is valid and is not getting lifted. Your sharing of keys and your moving about issues are your own not ours. The catch is for that guid and it's for a valid multihack that is not arguable in any way. And the ip though not yours is awfully close to it. It is not pbbans job to protect your cd key it is yours so If you get a new cd key (BY PURCHASING A COPY OF THE GAME) you should take care to keep it to yourself. As getting banned from a friends using it could very easily happen. 3. If you have a new cd key that isn't banned then why should we lift that ban? 4. I'm not unbanning you for this excuse. 5. What I will do for you since you ip doesn't match that on the ban, is not to list you here publicly as a cheater. But in my eyes since you used a fake key and admitted to it and also admitted that your guid is banned on our list for a valid pb catch you are one.
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