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  1. Ok thanks. I've heard nothing back from EB just yet. It'll probably be best if I just disable AHK whilst playing BF4. I don't want to get caught up in any sort of ban wave as you say.
  2. Cheers. I understand pbbans is a third party. I just thought i'd get some opinions. I've raised a ticket with EB asking the same question. I'll post back the response when I hear.
  3. Hi all I recently purchased BF4 Premium on PC. I’ve been playing for a few weeks now and have been chatting in the battlelog forums. I’ve read a few posts around being banned and kicked from games for software running in the background. I use a few different programs but none that should interfere with the running of games. However I did find a few posts around people being kicked for having AutoHotKey, but this was in BF3. I use AHK and always have it running in the background. I use it for various tasks to make things quicker whilst using Windows. For example swapping between my system sounds e.g headphones and speakers, shorten URLs with a shortcut key and a few other key remaps. So far I haven’t been kicked/banned but obviously I do not want this to happen going forward. My question is, is it ok to have this running in the background whilst playing BF4? Is it like BF3 where I could potentially get kicked or even banned? Thanks in advance.
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