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    Americas Army Proving Grounds
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  1. Awesome! Guess I won't shoot myself after all. Thanks for the help. :bigsmile3:
  2. I got in a hurry this morning and didn't have time to restart the server. You were right, Mr. Sunshine, the correct join port is 7778 rcon port is 8777. I have since changed it on my streaming application. The correct files are now on the server (I think) and it has been restarted. Should be good to stream. If it's not, I am going to shoot myself and we wont need to worry about it any more. Thanks, Mark
  3. Looks like the port was wrong. I deleted the server and added the one with the right port. I manually added the lines to the pbsv.cfg file. I think it is ready now. Thanks for the assistance.
  4. "Do NOT delete your server if you are trying to fix streaming issues. Only remove it if you know the ip or port are incorrect or if you are moving it to a new ip / port. please contact a PBBans Staff member for assistance on any server that is not streaming." This statement on your website is why I contacted you. Thank you for telling me that my server is not streaming and directing me to the hubguide that I already read. I guess this qualifies as assistance in your world. I wont be needing your service. Please delete my account. Thank you
  5. I am new to this, so forgive me, but my question is whether I need to do anything else to get the process started. I think the sever is ready, or so the setup told me so. I just don't know if the rest of the process is automatic or whether I need to do anything else. i couldn't find anything about that in the hubguide. I think there was an attempted stream on Nov 26, but didn't succeed do lack of proper files in the server.
  6. I tried to get my server streaming, but at the time, I don't think the server was set up properly. I have since run the automated hub setup tool and think it is ready. it is now listed as "deactivated" pending admin approval. It is an Americas Army Proving Ground server at: Please advise me on how to get it up and streaming. Thanks for the help, SkorpeoN
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