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Everything posted by h3llspawn84

  1. Ok i setup the server to stream and now again its stopped. It there a better way to do this and i have to add the server every day or so. Thank you
  2. Thank you BUFF i have added the server again and it looks like its working. It is now saying "Active" Thank you again for your help appreciate it. i just hope it keeps working as i had to add it every day or 2 before.
  3. Guys can someone help me please. I cant get my server to stream. It was working great but noe its saying the server has never been been activ. I cant scan name only GUID. what is going on? I have a server and cant get it seup. This is what its saying in the automated-streaming-setup. But when i look at the Server Overview its pink saying Never. [iNIT] Opening connection ... [MSG] Connection opened [MSG] Checking PB version ( pb_sv_ver ) [RESP] Server replied: 4Netplayers-PB Server: PunkBuster Server for BF4 (v1.902 | A1390 C2.351) Enabled [MSG] Checking present ucon profiles ( pb_sv_uconlist ) [RESP] Server replied: 4Netplayers-PB Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] 4Netplayers-PB Server: 1 1 pbbhub2-1 4Netplayers-PB Server: 2 1 pbbhub2-2 4Netplayers-PB Server: 3 1 pbbhub2-3 4Netplayers-PB Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (3 Entries) [NOTICE] Deleting old ucon profile 1 ( pb_sv_ucondel 1 ) [RESP] Server replied: 4Netplayers-PB Server: PB UCON Slot #1 deleted [NOTICE] Deleting old ucon profile 2 ( pb_sv_ucondel 2 ) [RESP] Server replied: 4Netplayers-PB Server: PB UCON Slot #2 deleted [NOTICE] Deleting old ucon profile 3 ( pb_sv_ucondel 3 ) [RESP] Server replied: 4Netplayers-PB Server: PB UCON Slot #3 deleted [MSG] Setting sessions limit ( pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 ) [RESP] Server replied: 4Netplayers-PB Server: pb_sv_USessionLimit = 8 (0 to 16) [MSG] Adding ucon profile for PBBans Hub ( pbbhub3-1 ) [MSG] Adding additional ucon profile for PBBans Hub ( pbbhub3-2 ) [MSG] Adding additional ucon profile for PBBans Hub ( pbbhub3-3 ) [MSG] Adding additional ucon profile for PBBans Hub ( pbbhub3-4 ) [MSG] Setting pbbans.dat autoupdate ( pb_sv_autoupdban 1 ) [RESP] Server replied: 4Netplayers-PB Server: pb_sv_AutoUpdBan = 1 (0 to 1) [MSG] Adding heartbeat task ( pb_sv_task 0 3600 pb_sv_ver ) [RESP] Server replied: 4Netplayers-PB Server: PB Scheduled Task Added: 0 3600 pb_sv_ver [MSG] Saving settings into pbsv.cfg ( pb_sv_writecfg ) [RESP] Server replied: 4Netplayers-PB Server: Config File written to C:\Gameserver\varserver\475130\Config\pb\pbsv.cfg [MSG] No error occured during setup. Server should be ready to stream [MSG] Closing connection ... [MSG] Connection closed
  4. Ok i have redone the automated streaming setup again. This is the info... Server IP: Admin Port: 47200 What do i do now? It was all working fine but then just stoped.
  5. Hi guys thank you for the reply. I have setup my Automated Streaming again dont know why it keep stopping. Will i get my search back again now? Thank you
  6. i only hav public access why
  7. Hi can someone take and look and tell me why i cant post in the server stream forum page. Also i can only Search By GUID nad not player name. Thank you.
  8. HI guys thank you for the replys. No still not got it working. How would i do manual configuration? Still very new to all this. Thanks
  9. Hi guys I have been having to add my BF4 server to the automated streaming setup every day. One day I will add it and then the next when I check it will be InActive. Could a admin please take a look and let me know why I’m having to do this? Server info... (40714) Thank you.
  10. Yes the server was reset. I have have added a ticket to i hope it will be back online soon. Is there something i have to do at my end? Thanks for the reply
  11. Hi guys my server is showing as InActive in the Account manager server List can anyone advise me why ? This is the IP Thank you
  12. Thats great thank you Slayer. Coud i just ask one thing how do i scan a player to see if that have any violations/bans ? Thank you.
  13. Ok i have done the AUTOMATED SETUP what do i have to do next? How do i see if my server is streaming? Thank you
  14. Hi heinz@tomto thank you for the reply. im looking in the control panel of the server "4netplayers" ans still cant fine what you are telling me.
  15. Thank you for the reply I get error ********************************ERROR******************************** Read timed out *********************************************************************** when i try to connect
  16. Hi guys im verY neW to all this server sreaming. I have seup my temam Account Manager. Do i now have to setup automated stream application? I know my IP and port but whta is Rcon? What is my Rcon passowrd? I am really lost at this point so any help would be great. Thank you.
  17. Hi Sunshine i got a email saying "Your team application has been approved for PBBans Lite Streaming" Do i now go to the link you posted and setup the automated stream? If so what is a Rcon passoword? Like i said i am ver new to all this and still a bit lost. Thankn you for your post.
  18. Hi i have done that they have and now loking at me Account Manager. They have got back to me but the server is showing "Team is not streaming" under Streaming Status. I can now see the Team Control Panel and the Team Search. What do i do now still not sure what to do next. Thank you.
  19. HI guys sorry if this is in the wrong form but I am very new to all this server streaming and looking for some help as I am really lost. I am trying to setup my bf4 server to stream PBBans. I have gone over all the info on your site about the automated streaming setup and think I have done it ( well my GSP has said I am streaming ) but I can’t see where or any info that I am. How to a check that I am streaming and how do I scan a player’s name to see if that have and bans/violation? Like I said I am very new to all this and work love some help with it all. Thank you i really appreciate your help
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