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Everything posted by gengis69

  1. lol and how is that usefull to the community.. a streaming admin already has a streaming server.. why would he need the list?? makes no sence. I guess I can just determine that the anticheats don't work properly or need lots of improvements.. last 3 days I cant be in a server w out more than 50% of my deaths being headshots.. no I do know how much people cheat.. and hackusate too cause I get that all the time.. but the truth is the truth and people that play know the truth cant hide it by saying the opposite on a forum..
  2. is their any list of active streaming servers i can find.. or do i have to check server by server by ip a server streaming list might be a good addon to your site.. darn.. or I get admin abused and cheated on or I get cheated on.. what to choose.... jeopardy music...
  3. Hi, i have been on bf series for a while now.. and this week i have noticed the cheaters have their Green light to cheat again and are doing so w out remorse.. i know it takes some time to get the bans going again cause they use vpn's and tors and stuff to stay undetected or unlinked to their accounts.. i was wondering if there was a server that ppbans streams live and is more dificult for them to cheat on or a cheatless server is what i am looking for.. is their a list of servers ?? not looking for someone to tell me all servers run punkbuster/pbb cause we know that means nothing when it comes to cheats... if you can help plz reply also as a previouse server admin I remember having commands I could use to do checks , as a player is their any commands I can use with pb to do checks... Its been so many years, I don't remember all commands but like md5tool checker and stuff
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