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    John Guthrie
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  1. So after finding out about this log file I searched the internet and found a solution. I needed to reinstall the services. For whatever reason they were not installing when I would install origin and BF4 even though it said they did. The link to the install is http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe Thanks for getting me going in the right direction... I appreciate it. Not sure I am a fan of the program it needs to work better I paid a lot of money for all my different versions of BF
  2. This is the information that is showing in my logs and it appears to be short so not sure if it is parsing the data you need to see to help. [07.21.2018 00:06:56] RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe [07.21.2018 14:00:32] RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe
  3. Big shout out to Maydax and Benway for the help. I have emailed Punkbuster multiple times and to say EA games is unhelpful is the understatement of the year. At least I feel like I am doing something towards a solution with you two. Thanks again, -John No joke. I have never seen a company so apathetic about their product. They kept trying to say that PB wasn't their software, not their problem. I was like, um if you loan your car to a drunk person and that drunk person injures or kills someone you are considered an accomplice. It's the same principle. post it. [optionally, search for string: Kick ] So, I was following the directions from Maydax about downloading the file pbcl.cfg, and putting it where it needs to go.It became complicated because there were no windows 10 directions but I just followed the directions for vista/7 and some variation until I got it. After I found the correct folder I was suprised to see the file already there. So, my pbcl.cfg file contained in it everything the guide said it needed except the first line which was pb_Sleep 500, I am not certain of its relevance but thought I would throw it in there I am trying to be as cooperative as possible. do my homework as I was told to in post #2 <see below>. At this point I will do whatever is told of me!$%^? What do I do to get the log files and if I need to initiate the "test/log" the test/log initiation directions would be awesome too. Thanks again this has been a very long and irritating thing to have to go through and I really appreciate someone trying to help me. (or in this case multiple someones)
  4. Ok I followed the steps for setting up PBsetup and registering BF4 and still no joy. I seem to recall similar steps and failures before I rental led windows now I am stuck again $150 in games and I can't play it and no one seems intent on helping me fix the issue. I guess I am disputing through my CC company but its a prepaid and thats gonna be a real pain but o be ot/
  5. Ok. I used PBsetup and added BF4 to it but I still got kicked by punkbuster after a few seconds of play....
  6. I searched and found PBsetup. Not sure how my other computer is running BF4 without me having to do these steps. I couldn't even find PBsetup on the other computer that has been running BF4 fine since I got it, I have something like 80 hrs on it without any fuss.
  7. Where do I find PBSetup? I ran a search for it and nothing came up? Am I correct in assuming this needs to be setup if it isn't innately?
  8. Sorry I'm irritated thank you for the help, seriously. I'm just really frustrated.
  9. Where in the, $!@$! %^, do I put it for windows 10? I think its C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 4\__Installer\punkbuster\redist, but there aren't any windows 10 directions.....
  10. When I reinstalled windows the only thing I installed other than windows was origin and the BF4. I specifically remember installing punkbuster (PB) during either origin's install or BF's install. That being said I tried the steps you are laying out as they seem to be the standard response to others I have seen having problems with PB. I tried these steps the first time before I reinstalled the operating system figuring I would try a clean install as last resort. So at this point I am going to have to do some logging. What do I do with the logs?
  11. So, I decided to build a new machine. Super sweet RGB build that I went slightly over the top with. Thermaltake View 71 TG case, AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950x, Asus ROG Zenith Extreme, Asus ROG Geforce GTX 1070ti, 32GB G.Skill DDR4 F4-3000C14Q-32GTZR, 2 Samsung V-Nand SSD 970 Pro NVME hds (RAID 0). So, this is where my joyous story ends. My previous computer, which is no slouch by any imagination, you can see it in the background of my picture, is a fourth generation i7 4700k OCed to 4.5ghz runs BF4 no problem although it does take a minute to launch it. I put together the TR (threadripper) box and got it all running yesterday; When I went to launch it I got a surprise by being kicked by punkbuster. It gave no code it just stated "You have been kicked by punkbuster, I had installed quite a few applications at that point some were over clocking tools from asus so I assumed it was one of these causing issues. I tried uninstalling but couldn't find the culprit. I went ahead and just reinstalled windows since it was a brand new build and figured I would install the software packages one at a time and figure out what had done it. So, after spending a lot of time reinstalling windows and updating I installed only origin as my first item of business. It took me a couple of hours getting all the updates done and installing origin with all of its updates, I went to run BF4. I got about 30 seconds into the game when it stated "You have been kicked by punkbuster" again with no codes or anything. So, I can still play BF4 on my I7 but this has left me in a state of confusion and dismay. I have this extremely powerfu computer that I built to run my games and what not seemlsy and with speed and it won't even run for 30 seconds without me being kicked. I spoke with EA and explained my predicament and they were less than helpful deflecting it on punkbuster. I have emailed the folks at punkbuster twice with the link that was given to me by EA and had no response....... I am at a complete loss as too what to do and I am hoping someone here has an idea. It will still run on my older 4th gen I7 but I want to run it on my hoss, or I want my money back. -John
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