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Everything posted by dasdas76

  1. dasdas76

    bf 4

    Thank you!...
  2. dasdas76

    bf 4

    Thanks DH..! I do this on friday(create a ticket on evenbalance) but no response...so i do another one...thank you for the response ....
  3. dasdas76

    bf 4

    Yes...i read it... but how can this happend, without cheat or hack????? What is the reason to get banned without hack or cheat ..only firing tows exactly.....
  4. dasdas76

    bf 4

    Hello Team from Pb BAns, everytime i want to start playing Battlefield , ive been kicked from the servers after 1 or 2 minutes, now i saw that i got banned with a violation / gamehack. How can this be? Iam an normal Player and dont use hacks or cheats, so how can this happen????? My playtime is ca 1400 hours, i dont have an significant k/d or something like this, and for all the long time its not logic that i use a gamehack to destroy my account??????? Please give me an info what is this ,is it arbitrariness? I make a ticket at friday to punkbuster team but i dont get a message or information. my guid ; e566a23f97ee185cf8cf69619f60eb96 name ; dasdas76
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