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Everything posted by TaylorYee

  1. GUID:00000000000000076561198847247226 You have a confirmed Global Guid Ban issued by PunkBuster, (Even Balance), on your AAPG account on 08.23.2018 as follows: [08.23.2018 07:30:24] |111803| Kick/Ban Command Issued (GLOBAL PunkBuster GUID BAN 47247226) for (slot#1) 00000000000000076561198847247226 DudeWhereIsLife If there saying I'm getting banned for having hacks I for sure will call bullshit. I know what I have on my computer and I even checked on processes. Nothing suspicious . These were the same programs I had on in the hijacksthis text file. Please give full details of ban. Thank You. hijackthis 2332.txt
  2. So I get a global IP ban for having a name that isn't kosher but allowed in America's Army. Name was DudeWhere'sMyCuc1K. So instant bans for funny names. Even without warning. Wow. Punkbuster is now political correct police I guess. If I was hacking or being a jerk in game then I understand but for a name, I got a global ban?
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