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Everything posted by TiLiDiN.81

  1. there is a problem pending pending admin approval or did I fill out something wrong! Please help
  2. Hi I have filled out everything for streaming for weeks but he always inserted another ip! now I was able to fix the error! Everything fits so far the server cfg's! Now I wanted to know when our server will be streamed !
  3. Yes I found it now thanks! but how long has it been since the activation from the server was already 2 weeks ago?
  4. I do not get the tread unfortunately! what interests me in which .cfg do I have to put the commands in or if not .cfg where then? of the server ftp side ? under which option?
  5. I have been looking for the setting for ages to show me in the server info if a player joins from which country he comes! is there an extra command or script for it or how do i do it?
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