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  1. Hello! I come from Taiwan, My Battlefield 4 server was launched a long-term DDoS attack by the racial hatred Platoons from China, Just because I am from Taiwan, and these people also attacked other Asian servers and verbal bullying. In the end, these people also made several server providers abandon the Asian market, Just because of China's special judicial environment, no one can take any legal action or even report to the Chinese police, because when you report, you are the perpetrator. But we have sufficient clues and the actual motives of these people. We can prove that these people are the perpetrators of DDoS attacks in Asia, At the same time, I am also testing the firewall settings in Japan and Singapore with the Fragnet server provider. We discovered the DDoS attack method used by the Chinese, which is the same as the actual situation we confirmed, If we want to report this special situation, Can your team help us confirm and accept? Please forgive me for expressing it in a special way, but what I am discussing is not just the problem of cheating, but the monetary loss of more than millions of dollars, The victim except the server owner, These people also cause huge financial losses to the server provider. So we need the offender to pay the price, Just because the Chinese judicial system and EA can’t provide us with any assistance, Even if we don’t belong to China, we can’t tolerate such crimes anymore. Dear PBBans staff team, Can you help us understand our situation? Thank you!
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