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Everything posted by Blowf15h

  1. Hello everyone, I am sure that you have heard this before and many times. The hackers come back and complain that they never hacked. I also thought that all of these players are hackers since they were banned by PB. Now I am in their shoes except that I did not cheat and I start to understand that some of them probably did not cheat and got banned same as I did. I have got Global Ban by PB. I have appealed to Even Balance but as I am reading about this I am finding out that probably nobody will even look at my appeal. I did not have any violation just simply Global Ban, one kick. So what can I do? This is only game I’ve been playing for 7 years. Why would I cheat? (My bf4db is clean and never been banned before) Sorry for posting it here, I am sure you had similar discussion before but I really do not know what to do. best, blow
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