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About :MB:Volfin

  • Birthday 01/17/1971

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    To stop Cheaters
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    Malicious Bastards
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  1. If someone was the only person to kill someone with an icicle, they still committed murder. You get the award for having the lamest, most esoteric ban imaginable, but a valid ban none the less. :lol: :P :rolleyes:
  2. Cool, once I get my system back up, I'll have to give it a try... :)
  3. Go ahead, I'd like to hear what you have to say... :)
  4. Specifically kicking for what?
  5. Wow, you had me going for a minute, I was like "what the hell did Scarface smoke?" :P
  6. There are different ways of doing this. Some cheats override the code used by the operating system to write pixels to the video card (Opengl32.dll hacks). Some cheats "inject" their code into the game or "hook" into an interrupt. The structure of cheats and viruses can be very similar. They are very clever pieces of code. You know the old saying, "where there is a will, there is a way". ;)
  7. Feel free to file an appeal... www.pbbans.com/appeal.php :)
  8. most aimbots tie into the client game engine itself, and control moving the mouse with high accuracy/speed (faster and more accurate than any human). many also control the timing of firing the weapon too. So from the server side, there is little that can be done. I would advise sending these undetected cheats to [email protected]
  9. In today's computer systems, graphics cards have a lot of memory, and most modern games load the textures into the card's memory because it's faster than loading them from the hard drive every time you need them. Problem is, if the graphics card memory has any issues, '1's can turn to '0's and vice-versa. and you end up with corrupted textures. I'd say that's what happened here. They either have a flaky card, or are maybe trying to overclock their video card too hard.
  10. Well first off, PBBans has nothing to do with hardware bans. Those are instituted by EvenBalance, the makers of Punkbuster. They institute a hardware ban when someone is caught trying to disable or disrupt PunkBuster itself. It could have been he cheated at another PB game, so once he has a Hardware ban, he is banned from all Punkbuster games. At any rate, you will have to take this up with EvenBalance, we have nothing to do with it. www.evenbalance.com
  11. consider yourself deleted... :)
  12. hmm, Thing is, I don't think pappadee's server is streaming... :(
  13. I'm not sure why you keep coming here, he's not on our banlist, he's on CBs. You need to talk to them... :blink:
  14. well, I think he is showing he put PBBANS > the other site at the bottom of this post. I added my 2 cents too.
  15. ---------------------------- Ban Information ---------------------------- Date: 12.27.2004 20:49:18 GUID: f1aba84d8bc959c0587a8a86d08fd277 Alias: -]RoC[- ^CKrAzY_RiCaN [t] After completing the appeals process, the site admins have agreed there is enough evidence to warrant the removal of this ban. The ban has already been removed from the database, and will no longer be present the next time you generate your banlist. The Staff of PBBans regrets the inconvience caused by this ban, however, based on the information available at the time we maintain it's inclusion was the right thing to do.
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