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[^Judge]Cmdr.Bravo 1

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Everything posted by [^Judge]Cmdr.Bravo 1

  1. One of the things that some people don't get, also, is that the ultimate goal here is to ban a cheater caught in ONE game from ALL PB-enabled Games. For instance, many have added IP addresses from the SOF2 Banlist to their ET Banlist. As the newer projects underway come to fruition, this will be even easier to track and accomplish. Agent Smith may not fall into this category, but it's something we'll start seeing more and more...people banned in one game complaining about that ban being taken to several others....my response to them will be "Boo Frickety Hoo!" :)
  2. ROFLMFAO!!!! I double dog dare you to try...We haven't had the weekly laugh from an internet wannabe lawyer yet...thanks for that. :) Here's a tip...read your EULA, PB Licence and OSP License
  3. For future refernece, instead of having to post the whole story, you can simply quote the following: "I'm Banned - Excuse #31." Please note that if it is an OLDER brother you are blaming, you must use excuse number 32 instead. If it is a sister, then the letter "B" is added to your excuse number. For instance in this case it would be #31B. In the event that you have an identical twin that you would like to blame, please be sure to.....awww screw it. Ya know what? Yer banned. Seriously, though, you are responsible for ANYTHING that happens to the game copy that bears your GUID. Your only option is to buy a new copy of the game. Sorry, but when making omelettes, yer gonna have to break some eggs. Next!
  4. I remember that. It was caused by PB misinterpreting one of those CPU Speedup utilities. Happened to many people on many servers. It has since been fixed.
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