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QD Lemmy

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    ET/Interested in make our server a fair play environment
  • Location
    Washington State

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    Enemy Territory
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  1. PBHacks are hacks that are, in some way, interferring with Punkbuster. They are fully a bannable offense. Hopefully you will talk to your other clan members and see if streaming your servers is something they would be intrested in. Its a great thing. If you want to set up your servers to stream contact Bob and he will get you all set up. Its painless and requires you to basically do nothing once its set up. :D
  2. :blink:
  3. So is that like a PB add-on? You know, the big red stamped on BANNED logo? Is that released from PB? Did that really put itself on there when the screenshot was taken? Damn and here I thought I was actually going to a page with real punkbuster screenshots. Shouldn't include a link and tell us its something its not. :mellow:
  4. From evenbalance: Hello *****, This violation states that some driver was used that allows for cheating. This can either be a usual video driver which has been changed/altered in some way, it could be a video driver which allows for cheating "out of the box", and it can also be a opengl driver which allows for cheating. There are NO known false positives with this violation except the ones noted on our website for each game - if no false positive statement exists for a violation number, then it is considered valid. -Bjoern Even Balance, Inc. www.evenbalance.com
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