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Everything posted by [NN]WolfSpring

  1. Yeah my dog likes to do that sometimes, really pisses me off. Godd thing he's got a job to buy me a new game or i'd whoop his ass.
  2. It's jokes like you who leave your computer open at work and someone gets on and emails your eniter work, includeing your boss that your a dumb shit and have no idea about the world or about computer security. Seriously dude. If it was played on the same computer that this guy has, with the same disks and CD Key it is the owners fault. Just like if you leave your car unlocked and the keys in it and someone steals your car and kills someone with it. You will get in alot of trouble for it, trust me seen it happen. Lock your shit up. 11 YEAR OLDS SHOULD NOT BE LEFT UNATTENDED WITH A MATURE RATED GAME. I mean Why did they put a rating on the game. Bottom line is I don't beleive it. one of two things, an 11 year old is playing a game unatended, which is a big no no anyways or this guy thinks he's got an original excuse. I'm with the rest of the guys here though. The law does not apply to online gaming, when you buy the game you don't buy the right to play on people's server's, it's granted by those people. If the server was run by ravensoft, then maybe but they aren't, most of them are paid for and run by everday people who have no ties to ravensoft, so sorry thanks for playing, please don't come again.
  3. WTF is an 11 year old doing playing this game unsupervised? HA HA HA... Oh wait that sucks to be you.
  4. Creative yes, but I heard that a while back, maybe once or twice untill raven put out that you could only download pk3's that was way back when PB first came out though. The thought was if a server was a cheat server and had them enabled the dude coulda got something, he said he didn't know it was a cheat server, blah blah, didn't know what he dled or how to delete. These guys are funny ppl, thats for sure.
  5. Just registered today, quick account activation to, thanks. I"m not old school but I hope I can live up to the name of my clan. Heck maybe I'll get back into the game and help you guys catch some foos.
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