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Everything posted by <OFF>Kazaza

  1. well ive got a little question... As we (my clan) runs multiple servers, how are we supposed to set them up? All of them are not 24/7/365, but there is at least one up like that... And, we are hosting two other clans servers for now. I am administrating those servers and have all access there is to have... I see that it became more then one question for you.... :) #1 Should I set all servers up for the repository? #2 Can I submit bans from the servers that I admin, even though the server is not wearing our clantag? #3 How should I set it up for more then one server? Maybe as an answer to my own question number 3, I have a suggestion: I make a different username for each one of those servers. Is that fine by you? As I wrote they are not always online.... We are still finetuning a "big" server atm and that is why they are currently not online all of them... We are counting on hosting between 8-12 servers on that computer when we are finished... some for other clans and a couple for our use only...
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