Want My name kept clean ? Would like it removed from any list and replaced with Gr/ reapers/shadows since it is his Ip and generated Guid attached to it ...What can we do to get my name off the pbbans list... I have never hacked or cheated I am a Streaming admin here and I Am being setup and framed... I am not happy about this It's B/s they can try and Get away with tarnishing My name like this ... .... I know the cheater and hacks guid must be banned but my name is hooked to the Impersonator... His name should be attached to it not mine ...
Anyone Who can help , Stinger here {Gen}Stinger =TSE=
A while back I was having problems with these freakin Gr reaper shadows gr stealth shadows and gr grave shadows gr soul forge shadows aka Kabal aka dogsnot
well these guys aka gr soulforge and Reaper , Stealth aka dogsnots aka kabal are at it again hacking our server putting message's up saying all kinds of spam and profanity and other things .... Hacking our teamspeak ..... Now I see he is going on other servers hacking using my name with the wrong colors and I see he has my name on ban list from playing on the ninja's server ... his buddy trigger also has done the same thing to my nephew Payne we were both setup!!! the nija server which I have never played on ...... these GR guys are nothing but trouble trying to ruin mine and TSE reputation because they were caught hacking and cheating ....
http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15120 this is the post .....
They are trying to discredit me because I caught them hacking on my server...... and we banned them ..... Not only trying to discredit me but other members of my clan ...... There must be some thing we can do .... I do not like the fact that I have my name even though it's not me on the ban list that I strongly try to uphold .... I Hate freakin cheaters......... I would like my name removed so it is not assaociated to that ban its not me or my guid soul forge and reaper are the hacks not me ......