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Everything posted by {VOD}Big_Sexxy

  1. I Locked this topic as requested....... Big_Sexxy
  2. That shit is too funny :) I really like when Hackers get caught and then have a game banned.
  3. :lol: That is all I can say, I bet he was laughing while he was head shotting people from accross the maps. If your skills are lacking that bad you had to resort to using hacks to keep up with players I might suggest the BELOW LISTED SITE POGO GAMES
  4. To clarify, The Devs did not destroy the game. They actually took a big gamble and brought the came towards a more modern time. Consider with the newest version they have improved the graphics, made the whole game use a more modern engine and set up for future to be added, So if you would be so kind please explain to me how that is destroying the game. There are always bugs with games, no matter how slight. The game is provided to you the end user free of charge and people still find time to bitch and complain about this and that. The Bitching about the game is one of the reasons I have all but given up on AA myself. I still pub on a rare occasion but, in general I stick with playing COD:UO. I never experienced all of the bugs that people have always talked about or even half of the fatal errors people claimed to have. I think people should sit back and accept the game for what it is and just anjoy it. Instead of stating People have destroyed this they messed that up. Do you possibly know the total number of different hardware combinations that software has to be written to work with? I am not even going as far to ask brand specific combos, Now in a perfect world all the IBM COMPATIBLE machines would be 100% COMPATIBLE. This is not a perfect world so there for not every combo is going to be 100% COMPATIBLE. So before people start bitching, they need to figure if they can actually write the software better then the DEV that did, Then if they can answer yes WHY IN THE HELL AINT THEY THE ONE WRITING IT THEN?
  5. Once a cheater alwayas a Cheater Pick your friends and Battles wisely Do not defend someone, when you can not 100% verfy that they do not cheat. I mean in the end you are just going to drag your name into the mud by standing up for a cheating punk and he is just going to stand up and laugh because you were dumb enough ot come here standing up for him, when the whole time he had the cheat.
  6. Last time I recall the JRTC Farm map was set in a night time enviornoment and very dark with fog almost impossible to see people when playing. also the field is supposed to be brown not green. the sky is a dark greyish black color normally, you can play with graphics card gamma to get it to lighten up a bit but I still dont understand the green dirt? :blink:
  7. Hey I wish to make a comment on this subject. He used to hang out and was a mod over at the other site. He had ties with AASA if I do remember correctly, I actually tried to make contact with Jackalope a while back but after sending a 3rd email that went unanswered I refused to try and pursue the issue any further. I was actually trying to get a joint venture started becaus ethere were so few servers streaming to PBBANS. I think most of the added basn actually came from my server. I am about the only staff member with any real ties to playing AA. I used to have membership to Inque187's website but for some reason I am no longer able to log in. I welcome anyone from the AA community that wishes to add to our ban list to come on and do so. But at the same time I do not wish for anyone to come thi sBITCH talkin SHIT just for the sake of it. I am responsible for TALKIN SHIT IN THIS PLACE
  8. Hey I wish to make the statement I play SoF2, not as long as 99% of yall but I for one can say I HAVE NEVER MODIFIED MY CONFIG in ANY WAY SHAPE or FORM. This is for Arzzy and your comment. I have no need to edit my config as either I own or get owned and I can live with it in the end of the day, well cause it is just a game. Tell HOMEBOY to pony up the $20..00 and keep it clean next time.
  9. Violation: VIOLATION (GAME HOOK) that tells me a cheat has been used more then once with a GUID.
  10. Well it would be helpful to have important info such as GAME NAME USED, the Game you play, the GUID, What you are banned for and anything else that may be important. Also look on the main Web page there is a link to appeal a BAN read down it I am sure you will find what you are looking for.
  11. Ok over the time we have figured out that SOME of the full screen night vision shots are of people dead and in spectator mode. The screen shot feature on my server hasd been adjusted to take alto bigger picture then most, because of this problem. i submitted the bans before I was knownledgable on the fact that the PBSS feature also captures dead people.
  12. The GUID ban is set I suggest you dig into your pocket and come out with about 20 bucks to fix your problem, I think it is like $21.16 with tax for a copy at Best Buy currently.
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