they look clean, 1st one is osp names second is tracers from teh bullets,
helps you pinpoint from a distance where ur opponent is hooting u from, you can get them from
and u might, wanna post the orignal png's so you dont get accused of faking them
i wouldnt of posted about that cept i couldnt defend against that, andthose 2 bans dont link back to me in any way. thats all
one of my freinds sent me the 2 links that u see in a txt doc thats all i kno
just so u kno
Have nothing to do with me, i wasnt even playing sof2 a year ago!!! and those IPs dont match the one the md5 caught!?
and by the way the servers are streaming now :D
so theres no way for me to get back in the private disccusions? i just like to read about all the topics at hand :(
it was a big learnin experiance for me and wouldnt want to end it :(