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Everything posted by Luvnugz

  1. Hub Game: SOF2 Clantag LounGe Think this was an ip you guys just had, I couldnt add it in my manager. IP is now mine. Thx
  2. HUB SOF2 LounGe Servers
  3. Hub Game: Sof2 Clan: LounGe Servers
  4. Hub Game: Sof2 Clan: LounGe Servers
  5. is that -50 to 0 correct or typo? u said negative is ok, to correct lag?? :blink:
  6. Roger that. I've seen so many topics on it and so many different views, thought it would be best to ask here. ty for such a fast response!!!! Luvnugz owner SmoKing LounGe RocModiFied
  7. TY I've updated my profile and sent an email to you, I also tried to get you on IM. thx for a quick response doug
  8. Is a check for cl_timenudge valid for cvar checks by Pb? and is this the correct command for it: pb_sv_cvar cl_timenudge IN 0 30 ? should I add this to pb.cfg? Thx doug owner SmoKing LounGe RocModiFied *what happened to the private forums :unsure: :wacko: :blink:
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