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Everything posted by Flatline

  1. What should be the standard path, is this the full ftp server adres or just /pb/svss or something else..? Its strange cos the server stopped making pbss since a few days.
  2. pb_sv_SsPath "svss" It's weird cos if the screenshot aren't streamed where do they go? Normally our servers do make pb ss.
  3. This script should always stream isn't it? as the script will be loaded on many servers for using during CB matches. How can a server with the "ClanBase account" be linked to 1 ip?
  4. Hi ive loaded the cfg's Johnny made for CB but the punkbuster screenshots i wanted to make went to PBBans it said in console. I would like to have these pb ss if that is possible, plz zip them and email it to me. ServerIP E-mail: [email protected]
  5. Rob this means we can delete pb_sv_md5tool a "" v sof2bot.exe NOT_FOUND in our pbsvuser.cfg ?
  6. Yeah indeed Rob it was nice conversation.. Is there a way to send a message to most channel expects some specific ones like #pbbans? Wow didn't know people get so irritated about irc messaging, anyway my bad for the "searching pcw spam", won't happen again if u unban me.
  7. Hi, Im gameadmin for sof2 with 2 servers and we support pbbans.com with our logs and forum activity. I also idle in #pbbans @ quakenet but im quite pissed off that 1 of your admins "Depetris" says: Depetris1967 #pbbans 6:07pm: cut the spamming shit out flatline While i was just looking for a sof2 pcw. After i said take it easy and wanting to explain, he already devoiced me and without voice he simply takes out my sayings. He give me no chance to atleast listen and i feel this is hostility towards a pbbans member. Ok, i understand a policy towards spam like advertising/recruiting, but pbbans is part of the sof2 community right? and people use irc to find pcw's. I just asked for a pcw in a /amsg which also showed in #pbbans. If pbbans wants to get support atleast show some respect and let someone finish his words instead of devoice/kick. I dont feel like streaming atm but ill see. Cya
  8. ok sounds fair guys (glad im voiced) :)
  9. People cant chat this way, cos the ops hardly voice people, so either auto voice all or set to not moderated tbh :)
  10. Im a SoF2 player (but i got CoD aswell) and i know PBbans is doing a great job for SoF2 but i hardly see CoD guid bans. Ofcourse CoD is a new game, but like in FarCry (i also got this game, even tho it sucks), PB is doing a good job at all and i wonder why there are so less bans for CoD.
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