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Everything posted by .:BoS:.Gringo

  1. Well I can tell you that we are just now experiencing hacking something that we weren't but I think we need to thank Steam for that. I hope that the admins get their servers streaming with PBBBANS and get punkbuster in. Don't know if that could happen thou.
  2. Well done ;)
  3. yeah u can lock it down for that value and yes that is the right command just set it to whatever u want, IN or OUT those values, and SoF2 has a maximum FPS of 125, i think, more than that will be basically useless. (Someone correct me if im wrong) ;)
  4. Sometimes that player has bad connection showing ping 999 but it also depends with your server, are u running it in youre own PC while u playing?
  5. As far as i can see in our account management u can have till 12 Admins in here register, PsB just 2, freaking hate PsB!!! ;) hope this answered ure question.
  6. I dont wanna be a smart *** but isnt it Oct, 26th 2008 instead of Sept, 26th 2008? is this year going to fast for u MaydaX ;)
  7. Nice Work Again ;)
  8. A Staf Member Will Be With U Shortly, THX And Have A Nice Day LoL ;) Question, isnt it PBBans making a more rigorous background check?, maybe thats why its taking a lil bit longer.
  9. I'm an AA (little bit) BF2 (Little bit) Sof2 (Complete) PB Admin but never ET but i found that one ;) np m8
  10. This is what i found in evenbalance ;)
  11. Fix it, signed 89 signatures and counting ;)
  12. Brother, first of all it is NOT bustedpunks, (PsB) means Punksbusted, u made ure point, but remember PBBans wont censor ure sig from having any AC site of any kind, its ure decision ure freedom of doing whatever u want, i'm sure u do not want anyone to come and change ure profile just cuz stupidity like this one(incase of bad language and cheating stuff and some many other irregular cases than yeah of course) or avatar or a complete post being removed etc..etc... , hope u think about that, thx.
  13. This is the reply i got, now are u kidding me? cant believe this, let me tell u guys something i supported PsB and PBBans with donations, always did, in PsB my name is in the list of sponsors/contributors but till yesterday my support to them is over, they wont get a cent more from me just for the reason that they think they have or will have a monopoly when it comes to AC sites, now the good news is that more money is going to PBBans :) *Again, this Post is not to instigate or cause any kind fight with other AC site or PsB itself, I'm just letting u guys know, what PsB is all about, and that is GETTING MONEY FROM US, i know this just run by money but what about the community and the freedom of saying what u want to say at the end we are a community and should be as it is, not making profits out of it neither blocking and diverging other people interest or choosing of one or another AC site, it is just wrong. ;)
  14. Late night i got this PM from one of the guys at PsB: And that was my response, man what a bunch of... those ppl are i just cant understand them anymore, i just want u guys to take a look at this and tell me if thats right? if what they do is right? Would it be nice if PBBans would of started deleting sigs from RA members in here, or PsB like i do have a sig from them(like others here do too) would that be nice? i let it to u all to decide hopefully some of u will realize, my intentions are to show u guys what PsB is all about, Business and a lil bit of Bull!!! *Note: I dont want u guys to start a war or something, just sharing with all here, this did it for me.
  15. find u hacker,got more linked GUIDs and some of them are hacked ones, hope ure account gets ban in here hacker.

  16. Its by Activision ;)
  17. Well thats good news isnt it, glad u made it m8, welcome.
  18. Means that his GUID (Game number register by PB (Punkbuster) regenerated by his Game CD Key) is clean, no hack no nothing found.
  19. Already talked about this: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...ey+registration Seems a problem with their servers. ;)
  20. I think is an Activision side problem.
  21. Couple of people in my clan had reported the same so it is a global issue nothing to do with pbbans like Rodeo said ;)
  22. yeah, pbbans do NOT charge for long distance yet, :D , j/k
  23. Is this still a bannable violetion? or not any more
  24. Can u go in detail about this?
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