This is the reply i got, now are u kidding me? cant believe this, let me tell u guys something i supported PsB and PBBans with donations, always did, in PsB my name is in the list of sponsors/contributors but till yesterday my support to them is over, they wont get a cent more from me just for the reason that they think they have or will have a monopoly when it comes to AC sites, now the good news is that more money is going to PBBans :)
*Again, this Post is not to instigate or cause any kind fight with other AC site or PsB itself, I'm just letting u guys know, what PsB is all about, and that is GETTING MONEY FROM US, i know this just run by money but what about the community and the freedom of saying what u want to say at the end we are a community and should be as it is, not making profits out of it neither blocking and diverging other people interest or choosing of one or another AC site, it is just wrong. ;)