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Iam Darkraver from the [EFT] clan. I read the message and Iam a little bit mad now. You guy's band my first account and now you Guy's say dont make a second account. You have to try to read or do something when your band. I give a Donation and now this :) , Thats the reaseon for the second account.

Second, The forum is open on my website, but what do you mean with serverlist. I have a list with the people on it. The server himself is always on Infantry all maps.


Please let me know, when I can make a new submission.


I wanne play without the cheaters just like you guy's


Hope you understand me, sorry for my bad Englisch


Greets, Dark


Your team account was denied for a couple reasons, as was told to you here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...=104234&hl=


We have a strict set of requirements that you must me in order to be able to stream here. You need to make sure all requirements are met, otherwise you will continue to get denied. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82214


The serverlist you ask about, just means you need to have the servers listed somewhere on your website. This can be in the form of IPs or banners from somewhere such as www.game-monitor.com or www.gametracker.com .


Lastly, we ban any duplicate forum accounts and leave the newest one. That is why your old account is banned.


Ok, thanks, I know what to do now.


Thanks for your answer, I gonne fix it tomorrow after work.


Greets, Dark

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