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I need some help pls just was banned for nothing


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hello guys i need some help pls.

i was playing cod 4 on broadcast server and a message appears


(you have been banned for gamehook or something like that)

then a message appears (you have been banned from server by admin)

i dont use any kind of hacks the only programm that i run in the background is vbgscan and thats for my internet connection.

that programm disable the backgroundscan not more.


what to do now?


any help would be nice


regards gecko

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What's your GUID?


You can get it by doing a pb_myguid in the console while in-game. We only need the last 8 characters.


ty for the fast reply and help.


ok i already did that /pb_myguid but nothing happens.i have added a image did i make something wrong?


or i have to look in any folders to find that out?



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Open the console fully by pressing Shift+~(tilde), it should then display a 32-character GUID. We need the last 8 characters from it smile.gif



ok did that and it says my guid is 67070f91



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Are you sure you wrote down the GUID correctly?

If not, it hasn't been used to play on servers that stream to PBBans nor those that stream to GGC. The ban in that case would most likely be from the server's admin.


What nick do you use in cod4?

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Are you sure you wrote down the GUID correctly?

If not, it hasn't been used to play on servers that stream to PBBans nor those that stream to GGC. The ban in that case would most likely be from the server's admin.


What nick do you use in cod4?


yes its correct i can play on all other pb server with no problem only on this server i was banned for 30min rofl its my favourite server^^


here a screen so the guid is correct i think.

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Well, in that case... you're not banned by any of the major AC organizations from what I can see. Just a local ban from the server's admin ^^


Removed image to hide the full GUID :)




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Well, in that case... you're not banned by any of the major AC organizations from what I can see. Just a local ban from the server's admin ^^


Removed image to hide the full GUID smile.gif






just joint again this server and now iam not banned anymore huch?


what does that mean a local ban?

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A local ban is a ban that the server's admin applies on you. It's a ban from only that one server.

The opposite would be a global ban, directly from EvenBalance, the makers of PunkBuster. Those ban your key from all servers.

And somewhere in the middle, there would be bans from the Anti-Cheat communities like for example us(PBBans), GGC or PunksBusted. Those ban you from servers that stream to the AC community which placed the ban.




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A local ban is a ban that the server's admin applies on you. It's a ban from only that one server.

The opposite would be a global ban, directly from EvenBalance, the makers of PunkBuster. Those ban your key from all servers.

And somewhere in the middle, there would be bans from the Anti-Cheat communities like for example us(PBBans), GGC or PunksBusted. Those ban you from servers that stream to the AC community which placed the ban.






anyway ty for your help and information.


happy christmas^^

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