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Professional Hosting Services, LLC provides hosting services for server admins that can't host their own copy of the BC2 admin tools. We currently support PRoCon, Wolfcon, Big Brother Bot and BC2 PHP Commander. PHS is a registered business in the state of NJ, so you know you are dealing with a legit company that will be around as long as there's a demand for our services.


Our set up is quick and easy. For some more information on why you should use PHS, please visit our website's "Why use PHS" page: http://host4admins.com/home/index.php?site=about. With PHS, you use TCAdmin to start and stop your admin tool, as well as install new plugins (for those that support plugins) and updates, plus you can use the integrated file manager to edit, delete and upload files as needed.


PHS utilizes two dedicated servers located in Chicago, with the following stats:


  • Intel Xeon X3450 4x 2.66ghz processors (8 Threads)
  • 500 GB SATAII 7200rpm Drive
  • 8GB DDR3 RAM
  • 100 Mbit Burstable Uplink

PHS Social Networking:


PHS X-Fire group: http://www.xfire.com/communities/proconhosting/

PHS Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/proconhosting

PHS Twitter page: http://twitter.com/proconhosting.

PHS Facebook page: http://tinyurl.com/3xolbqb


We also have the following instant messengers:


Windows Live Messenger (MSN): [email protected]

AOL Instant Messenger: [email protected]

Yahoo! Instant Messenger: prohostingsvcs

X-Fire: grosskopf


In case you are interested, we also host Big Brother Bot with support for ALL the games B3 supports!


I now provide BC2 PHP Commander FREE OF CHARGE to all BC2 PHS customers! Sign up today and get not only a great admin tool, but a web based admin tool for those times that you just can't load up your admin tool! When you sign up, just select BC2 PHP Commander under the "Addons" section!

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