RodeoBob Posted December 4, 2005 Posted December 4, 2005 I need some help with my CoD2 server. I cannot get the http redirect to work keeps downloading from the game server and not from the website. I also cannot get the powerserver mod to startup. If I have the exec powerserver.cfg line in the dedicated.cfg....the startup script errors out and server does not start. The error is "file not found". I have pasted my startup script, dedicated.cfg, and powerserver.cfg hopes that someone can help me resolve the issue: Startup Script: killall screen screen -wipe killall ./cod2_lnxded screen -A -m -d -S cod2 ./cod2_lnxded +set dedicated 2 +set r_smp 1 +set net_ip +set net_port 28960 +set com_hunkMegs 80 +exec dedicated.cfg & Dedicated.cfg // ************************************************** // *********** Server Security & Errors ************* // ************************************************** //Passwords set rcon_password "********" // set sv_privatePassword "" // OPTIONAL CHANGE ME set g_password "" // Only used if you want to close your server to the public //Logging set g_log "Cod2_mp.log" set g_logSync "1" //SV Pure set sv_pure "1" //SV Cheats set sv_cheats "0" //Allowed Clans set sv_allowedClan1 "" set sv_allowedClan2 "" //Disable Console set sv_disableClientConsole "1" set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // ************************************************** // *********** Server Personality Dvars ************* // ************************************************** //Server IP set net_ip "" //Server Port set net_port "28960" // Hostname and MOTD sv_hostname "A Walk in the Valley {VOD} CTF 24/7" set scr_motd "^3Visit our site at ^" sets _Admin "RodeoBob" sets _Email "[email protected]" sets _IRC "#vod-gaming on Quakenet" sets _Website "" sets _Location "Kentucky" // Max Players and Saved Private Possitions set sv_maxclients "32" //Maximum players on the server who are not using the private password set sv_privateClients "" //Allows players to enter the server without taking up public slots // Server Packet Rate set sv_maxRate "20000" // Limit Laggers and reconnect spammers set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // Limits how long a player must wait to reconnect to a server set sv_minPing "0" set sv_maxPing "220" // - Banning set g_banIPs "" // AntiFlooding Settings set sv_floodProtect "1" // ****************************************** // *********** Server Downloads ************* // ****************************************** //Downloads from server seta sv_floodProtect "1" seta sv_timeout "300" seta sv_reconnectlimit "3" seta sv_allowAnonymous "0" seta sv_allowdownload "1" seta sv_dl_maxRate "42000" //max download speed 42000 = 12kb //HTTP Redirect Downloads seta sv_wwwDownload "1" seta sv_wwwBaseURL "" seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" // ************************************************** // ******************** Voice *********************** // ************************************************** set sv_voice "0" set sv_voiceQuality "1" // ************************************************** // ******************** Map Rotation **************** // ************************************************** // Do NOT put your map_rotate command here! Map_rotate should be called VERY last // Set the Gametype set g_gametype "ctf" // Set the Map Rotation set sv_MapRotation "gametype ctf map mp_breakout gametype ctf map mp_brecourt gametype ctf map mp_burgundy gametype ctf map mp_carentan gametype ctf map mp_dawnville gametype ctf map mp_decoy gametype ctf map mp_downtown gametype ctf map mp_farmhouse gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_matmata gametype ctf map mp_railyard gametype ctf map mp_toujane gametype ctf map mp_trainstation" set sv_maprotationcurrent "" // ************************************************** // *************** Match Setup Options ************** // ************************************************** // Use these to set how your server will play a map. // CTF set scr_ctf_scorelimit "5" set scr_ctf_timelimit "30" // S&D //set scr_sd_bombtimer "60" //set scr_sd_graceperiod "15" //set scr_sd_roundlength "4" //set scr_sd_roundlimit "0" //set scr_sd_scorelimit "10" //set scr_sd_timelimit "0" // TDM //set scr_tdm_scorelimit "300" //set scr_tdm_timelimit "30" // DM //set scr_dm_scorelimit "50" //set scr_dm_timelimit "30" // HQ //set scr_hq_scorelimit "600" //set scr_hq_timelimit "30" // ************************************************** // ***************** Gameplay Dvars ***************** // ************************************************** // Team Icons set scr_drawfriend "1" // Friendly Fire set scr_friendlyfire "0" // Kill Cam & Spectate set scr_killcam "1" set scr_spectatefree "0" set scr_spectateenemy "0" // Auto Team Balance set scr_teambalance "1" // Force Respawn set scr_forcerespawn "1" // ************************************************ // ******************* Voting ********************* // ************************************************ set g_allowvote "0" // ************************************************** // ************ Weapon Settings ********************* // ************************************************** // Weapon Ammo Pools set g_weaponAmmoPools "0" //Snipers set scr_allow_enfieldsniper "1" set scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1" set scr_allow_nagantsniper "1" set scr_allow_springfield "1" set scr_allow_svt40 "1" // Rifles set scr_allow_enfield "1" set scr_allow_kar98k "1" set scr_allow_m1carbine "1" set scr_allow_m1garand "1" set scr_allow_nagant "1" set scr_allow_g43 "1" // MGs set scr_allow_bar "1" set scr_allow_bren "1" set scr_allow_mp44 "1" set scr_allow_ppsh "1" //SMGs set scr_allow_sten "1" set scr_allow_mp40 "1" set scr_allow_thompson "1" set scr_allow_pps42 "1" set scr_allow_greasegun "1" // Shotgun set scr_allow_shotgun "1" // Grenades set scr_allow_smokegrenades "1" set scr_allow_fraggrenades "1" // ************************************************** // ************ Master Server *********************** // ************************************************** seta sv_master0 "" seta sv_master1 "" seta sv_master2 "" seta sv_master3 "" seta sv_master4 "" //exec powerserver.cfg map_rotate powerserver.cfg /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Worms PowerServer Mod // // Version Config: Beta 0.8 // // email: // [email protected] // // forums: // // // Instructions: // 1) Add the .iwd file to your server's MAIN directory // 2) Modify this config to your liking. // 3) Save and upload this config file to your server's MAIN directory // 4) In your server's start-up config file, add: // exec powerserver.cfg // Note: This must be done BEFORE the first map is called /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Additional Game DVAR Options // /////////////////// // All Gametypes // //////////////////////////// // // Automatic AFK-to-Spec Timer (in seconds) // 0 = off set scr_afk_limit 30 // // Death Icon On/Off set scr_deathicon 1 // // Grenade Icons On/Off set scr_grenadeicon 1 // // On-screen Objective Icons On/Off (CTF, HQ, S&D) set scr_objectiveicon 1 // // Hit Blips set scr_allow_hitblip 1 // // Obituaries // scr_allow_obituary 1 // // Spawn Protection (set to # of seconds desired. 0=none) set scr_spawnprotection 0 // // Spawn Protection Head Icon Enable/Disable // (The icon shows through buildings like all other icons) set scr_show_protection_icon 0 // // Players Left Display (CTF, HQ, S&D) set scr_show_playersleft 1 // // Force Auto-Assign set scr_force_autoassign 0 // // Fall Damage Min and Max Heights (in feet) set scr_fallDamageMinHeight 21 set scr_fallDamageMaxHeight 40 // // Weapon Drops on Player Deaths Allow/Disallow set scr_allow_death_drops 1 // ///////// // CTF // //////////////////////////// // // Respawn Delay set scr_ctf_respawndelay 10 // 10 stock // // Automatic Flag Return Delay after dropped set scr_ctf_flagreturndelay 120 // 120 stock // ///////// // S&D // //////////////////////////// // // Bomb Plant Time set scr_sd_planttime 5 // 5 stock // // Bomb Defuse Time set scr_sd_defusetime 10 // 10 stock // // Bomb Timer HUD Element set scr_sd_show_bombtimer 1 // // Bomb Plant and Defuse Player Scoring set scr_sd_plant_points 0 set scr_sd_defuse_points 0 // // Warmup Timer // allows more time for players to load the map // before the first round starts. (in seconds) set scr_sd_warmup_time 15 // //////// // HQ // //////////////////////////// // // Radio Spawn Delay set scr_hq_RadioSpawnDelay 45 //45 stock // // Radio Capture Radius set scr_hq_radioradius 120 // 120 stock // // Maximum Allowed Hold Time for Radi set scr_hq_RadioMaxHold 120 //120 stock // // Respawn Delay set scr_hq_respawndelay 10 //10 stock /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Health Gameplay Options // /////////////////// // // Health Regen Options // "0" : turns OFF the health regen system // "1" : implements IW's "flawed" model (default) // "2" : implements my "smooth" regen model // "3" : implements my "healing regen limits" model // "4" : implements "healing regen limits" and "pain" set scr_healthregen 2 // // Health Regen Delay time set scr_regendelay 5000 // // Show Healthbar set scr_show_healthbar 1 // // Health Packs set scr_allow_healthpacks 0 // // Medics // allows players to heal each other with the // use key set scr_allow_medic 1 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Additional Weapon DVAR Options // ///////////////////////////// // Nade/Smoke Spawn Counts // ///////////////////////////// // // Bolt-Action set scr_boltaction_nades 3 set scr_boltaction_smokes 0 // // Semi-Automiatic set scr_semiautomatic_nades 2 set scr_semiautomatic_smokes 0 // // SMGs set scr_smg_nades 1 set scr_smg_smokes 1 // // MGs set scr_mg_nades 1 set scr_mg_smokes 1 // // Snipers set scr_sniper_nades 3 set scr_sniper_smokes 0 // // Shotgun set scr_shotgun_nades 1 set scr_shotgun_smokes 1 // ////////////////////////////// // Additional Weapon Allows // ////////////////////////////// // Turret Weapons (mountable MGs) Enabled/Disabled set scr_allow_turret 1 // // Allow Pistols? set scr_allow_pistols 1 // //////////////////// // Weapon-Limiter // //////////////////////////// // NOTE: Setting a limit to 0 will turn all // weapons of that class off. // // Snipers set scr_sniper_limit 99 // // Shotguns set scr_shotgun_limit 99 // // Semi-Automatic Rifles set scr_semiautomatic_limit 99 // // Bolt-Action Rifles set scr_boltaction_limit 99 // // SMGs set scr_smg_limit 99 // // MGs set scr_mg_limit 99 // ////////////////////////// // Weapon Drops Limiter // //////////////////////////// // // Nade Drops scr_allow_weapondrop_nade 1 // // Sniper Drops set scr_allow_weapondrop_sniper 1 // // Shotgun Drops set scr_allow_weapondrop_shotgun 1 // /////////////////////////////////// // Force Bolt Action Only Server // /////////////////////////////////// // // Forces all clients to get a bolt-action rifle // no matter what weapon they choose. // Americans get the British Enfield set scr_force_boltaction 0 // ////////////////////////////////////// // Allow Secondary Weapon Selection // ////////////////////////////////////// // // This will determine if players can select their secondary // weapon from the available weapons. 0 = no 1 = yes set scr_allow_secondary_select 0 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TK Monitor // This monitor will force a player to sit in spectate for the // set number of seconds in Punishment Time // // Enable Disable set tk_monitor 1 // // TK Punishment Type // 1 = Reflect Damage // 2 = TK Timeout set tk_punishtype 1 // // TK Limit set tk_limit 3 // // TK Punishment Time set tk_punishtime 240 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player Names Monitor // // "Unknown Soldier" // This monitor will warn or force a player to change his // name from unknown soldier // // Enable Disable // 0 = off // 1 = Persistant Warning // 2 = Can't play until the name is changed // 3 = Automatically renames the player to "Guest#" set scr_unknownsoldier_punish 1 // // // Duplicate Player Names // This monitor will look for players with duplicate names // and rename the player who has had the name less for the map set scr_allow_duplicate_names 1 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Message Center Setup // // Enable/Disable set mc_enable 1 //////////////////////////// // Max messages setup: // Maximum number of your message. // If this is 99 then your LAST message dvar would be mc_message100 "text" // It is best to keep this as low as needed for performance purposes. // set mc_maxmessages 10 // This gives me 10 messages (1 through 11) //////////////////////////// // On my TO DO list!! // does not work yet, always restarts every round set mc_restartEveryRound 1 //////////////////////////// // Standard Message Delays // // Standard delay between each message // (IF a custom delay is not defined) // This setting is ALSO used as the delay after the last message // before the whole message loop starts over // set mc_delay 90 //////////////////////////// // Messages // Notes: // 1) mc_message1 is the FIRST message (there is no mc_message0) // 2) You CAN skip numbers if you want and it will not effect // the message center as long as the numbers used in your // mc_message# is LESS than mc_maxmessages + 1. // This can be useful if you want to add messages inbetween // or if you want to rip a message out by just setting // the message dvar to "" // 3) The messages will play in NUMBERICAL order, even if it // has to skip numbers. 1,4,25,30,55,etc. //////////////////////////// // SPECIAL NOTE ON MESSAGE SPECIFIC DELAYS (mc_messagedelay#) // The delay specified for each message comes BEFORE the // specified message, for example, mc_messagedelay2 is // the delay BETWEEN mc_message2 and whatever message is // before it. You can even specify a delay of 0 for multi-line // messages. // // If NO specific message delay is specified for a message, // it will automatically use the generic delay set by mc_delay. //////////////////////////// // SPECIAL MESSAGE FUNCTIONS: // There are a couple special message functions built in: // & // Usage: Set any message dvar to exactly the special function // i.e. set mc_message1 "" // // will show the next map and gametype // will show the rules for the current gametype // The gametype rules must be specifed by the admin via // specific dvars listed below. //////////////////////////// // Setup Messages set mc_message1 "" set mc_messagedelay1 5 // set mc_message2 "" set mc_messagedelay2 1 // set mc_message3 "^3{VOD} ^4is recruiting adults only" set mc_messagedelay3 120 set mc_message4 "^ for details" set mc_messagedelay4 0 //////////////////////////// // Setup Gametype Rules // These are used by the special function // The message center will automaticly detect what the // current gametype is and select the appropriate dvar below // // S&D Rules set mc_rules_sd "^3S&D Rules: ^5First team to 7 wins" // // CTF Rules set mc_rules_ctf "^3CTF Rules: ^5First team to 5 wins" // // TDM Rules set mc_rules_tdm "^3TDM Rules: ^5First team to 300 wins" // // DM Rules set mc_rules_dm "^3DM Rules: ^5First player to 50 wins" // // HQ Rules set mc_rules_hq "^3HQ Rules: ^5First team to 600 wins" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Welcome Center Setup // // Enable/Disable set wc_enable 1 // // Messages // Note there are only 5 available lines in the center of // the screen, thus these 5 dvars are the ones to set for each // line. Empty lines will be skipped. // set wc_line1 "^4Welcome to the ^3Valley!" set wc_line2 "^3*^1Warning^3* ^4Please respect other players" set wc_line3 "" set wc_line4 "" set wc_line5 "" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DVAR Enforcer // Forces Client-side Dvars to admin-desired settings // // Enable / Disable set de_enable 1 // // Force Client Side Rate (1000 min, 25000 max) set de_force_rate 25000 // // Mantle Hints Enable\Disable set de_allow_mantlehint 0 // // Crosshairs Enable\Disable set de_allow_crosshair 1 // // Turret Crosshairs Enable\Disable set de_allow_turret_crosshair 1 // // Crosshair Names set de_allow_crosshairnames 1 // // Allow crosshair to change color on enemy? set de_allow_enemycrosshaircolor 0 // // Stance Hud Idicator Enable/Disable set de_allow_hudstance 1 // // Remove Client-side Dvar Exploits set de_remove_exlpoits 1 // // Compass Sound "Red-Dot" Shortener set de_Sound_Ping_QuickFade 1 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DOT Crosshair Setup // // Enable/Disable set scr_dot_crosshair 0 // // Dot Crosshair color is set with RGB values (0-255) // Default is 255, 0, 0 (Red) // You can use Paint to come up with your favorite // RGB value // // Dot Crosshair Red Component set scr_dot_crosshair_red 255 // // Dot Crosshair Green Component set scr_dot_crosshair_green 0 // // Dot Crosshair Blue Component set scr_dot_crosshair_blue 0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Weapon Damage Modifications // // All values are percentage based! This means that setting // one of the below values to 100 = 100% of the damage given // as assigned by the weapons file. // 130 = 130% damage, 75 = 75% damage (and so on) // 0 = 100% damage, 1 = minimum value to effect change (1%) // // Note you do not HAVE to set these values at all to have // stock damage applied, or you can modify only the ones // you feel need modification and leave the rest alone. // //////////////////////////// //set dm_greasegun 100 //set dm_m1carbine 100 //set dm_m1garand 100 //set dm_springfield 100 //set dm_thompson 100 //set dm_bar 100 //set dm_sten 100 //set dm_enfield 100 //set dm_enfield_scope 100 //set dm_bren 100 //set dm_PPS42 100 //set dm_mosin_nagant 100 //set dm_SVT40 100 //set dm_mosin_nagant_sniper 100 //set dm_ppsh 100 //set dm_mp40 100 //set dm_kar98k 100 //set dm_g43 100 //set dm_kar98k_sniper 100 //set dm_mp44 100 //set dm_shotgun 80 //set dm_fraggrenade 100 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADVANCED!!!!!!!!!! The below is for people comfortable // getting in a changing part of the script on their own!!! // I am working on ways to simplify this, but it is NOT // ready yet. // // This will allow you to put a HUD element on-screen that // shows your web address in the bottom right corner. // Small print and out of the way, but you can see it. // // To get it to work you must modify line 191 of // messagecenter.gsc to change with YOUR // site's name. DO NOT remove the '&' sign in front of the // quotes!! ONLY change what is INSIDE the quotes. // Line 191 says: // game["mc_site"] = &""; // CHANGE THIS LINE TO YOUR SITE // // Also, to ENABLE the HUD element, add this to the config: // set mc_showsite 1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// My files are stored on the website here: and do match what are on the game server. Quote
Pinacle Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 (edited) set cl_wwwDownload "1" <-- that is wrong that is CLIENT side i.e. players have to have cl_wwwdownload "1" cl_allowdownload "1" in order to download from www redirects the correct server config setting is usually seta sv_wwwDownload "1" though no where that i've found/read is there even mention of www redirect in cod2.. cod 1.0/1.5 there is so im assumeing its the same as 1.0/1.5 :) Edited December 5, 2005 by Pinacle Quote
RodeoBob Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 Like this: //Downloads from server seta sv_floodProtect "1" seta sv_timeout "300" seta sv_reconnectlimit "3" seta sv_allowAnonymous "0" seta sv_allowdownload "1" seta sv_dl_maxRate "42000" //max download speed 42000 = 12kb //HTTP Redirect Downloads seta sv_wwwDownload "1" seta sv_wwwBaseURL "" seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" I removed the cl entry Quote
RodeoBob Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 I cleaned up the startup script and it looks like this now: killall screen screen -A -m -d -S cod2 ./cod2_lnxded +set dedicated 2 +set r_smp 1 +exec dedicated.cfg & The server runs with this startup script with no is when I try to add the exec powerserver.cfg entry in the dedicated.cfg when the server refuses to startup. No matter what....when I run the startup script....I always see what is in the attached image. Any clue what the "command not found 2" error is? Quote
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