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Jason West Left Respawn Entertainment

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Posted by Vince Zampella on Mar 4, 2013

Filed in News


Jason has left Respawn to take care of some family issues. We have worked together on some amazing accomplishments over the years, starting with an early Segasoft project that never shipped. It is sad to see things come to an end, but there are times when change is best for growth, both personally and professionally. I wish Jason the best and send my best wishes to his family. Respawn continues to amaze me, the team here is resilient and talented. E3 will be therapeutic for us, as we finally get to start showing our work again. I know the team was excited about the response we got from just admitting we were going to attend.







Jason West, a co-creator of Call of Duty and co-founder of video game studio Respawn Entertainment, has left the company he helped found, two sources have informed Kotaku. The departure was amicable.


West, who left because of family issues, has been gone since last May, according to one reliable source who asked not to be named.





Update: On the official Respawn site, fellow co-founder and Infinity Ward-alum Vince Zampella has confirmed the news of West's departure.

Jason has left Respawn to take care of some family issues. We have worked together on some amazing accomplishments over the years, starting with an early Segasoft project that never shipped

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