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etadmin_mod (!guidage)

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im wondering if there are any perl expert or programmer who can help with this:


I created this based on other cmds:


	elsif ( $config{'admin_functions'} && $data[0] eq "guidage" )
		if ( &admin_check( $guid, "guidage", $age ) )

			my $command = $data[0];
			my $target  = $data[1];
			my $found   = 0;
			my $sub;
		   ( $target, $found ) = &part2complete( $target, 1 );

			return if ( !&check_result( $command, $found, @say_params ) );

			if ( &get_admin_level( $tmphash{$target}{'guid'} ) )

				if ( &convert_name( $tmphash{$target}{'name'} ) ne
					 &convert_name( $admins_name{ $tmphash{$target}{$age} } ) )
					$sub = "^7(^5" . $admins_name{ $tmphash{$target}{$age} } . "^7) ";
					&say( $tmphash{$target}{'name'}
				  . "^7 has a GUID, that is only ^3"
				  . $age
				  . "^7 days old!" );


and added in etadmin_mod.pl


my $guidage;

and in etadmin.cfg


guidage = <part2name>

number of level = guidage

and its saying:

guidage: uknown command :/



any ideas?


Imho you can't add a custom command for checking the guidage.

The guidage is checked when the player connects to the server.

Take a look at the section starting with

elsif ( $config{'minguidage'} && index( $line, "$config{'pb_sv_msgprefix'}: [From " ) == 0 )

in etadmin_mod.pl

This checking is based on a logfile entry issued by pb:

#ET PB Server: [From #6 e9a9(VALID:153) playername My gl G:\WINDOWS\System32\opengl32.dll size=685568 md5=11CC241BEE030FC2982413A59E6E32B7

the guidage is the number right after 'VALID:'


You recieve a

guidage: uknown command

because you try to trigger a command 'guidage <playername>'

But there is no such command provided by et, etpro or punkbuster.


Imho you can't add a custom command for checking the guidage.

The guidage is checked when the player connects to the server.

Take a look at the section starting with

elsif ( $config{'minguidage'} && index( $line, "$config{'pb_sv_msgprefix'}: [From " ) == 0 )

in etadmin_mod.pl

This checking is based on a logfile entry issued by pb:

#ET PB Server: [From #6 e9a9(VALID:153) playername My gl G:\WINDOWS\System32\opengl32.dll size=685568 md5=11CC241BEE030FC2982413A59E6E32B7

the guidage is the number right after 'VALID:'


You recieve a

guidage: uknown command

because you try to trigger a command 'guidage <playername>'

But there is no such command provided by et, etpro or punkbuster.

well, you r right in 90%, cos i can add/change/edit whetver cmd i want. I'm just asking for help from any better then me programmist who can check the code...And yes i saw this line, i was basing on it

  • 5 weeks later...

I wonder if anyone else is a slow as me ? I only sussed out minguidage command has been disabled by PB 2 days ago :(

I am wondering why you want to right a program for minguid age when admin mod has a function for it and or you can set it with pb in your server configs .! well they would have if it wasnt disabled :)


When? erm..

Its a guidage, not a minguidage.....The minguidage isnt working from etadmin


When? erm..

Its a guidage, not a minguidage.....The minguidage isnt working from etadmin

EB have disabled the minguidage function, admin mod uses that in its checks. As nice a piece of work as the admin mod is, it does not quite have the ability to unencrypt pbguids.


I have a question, i know when you connect to a server it shows all of your PB stuff(GUID and cvar violations) umm i would like to get my GUID but there are never any admins on when i try and get it. i used the pb_plist thing but i want my ENTIRE guid. Any ideas?


do in console:




/condump pbguid.txt (a txt file will be saved in the folder of your mod played)

  • 1 year later...
Guest mazak
do in console:




/condump pbguid.txt (a txt file will be saved in the folder of your mod played)



Hello all,


I saw an issue with minguidage in etadmin_mod.

It's checking guidage properly and kicks a user if guid is newest tha X defined in cfg.



It's depending on etconsole logs which not always contain pb guid age...


If logs forspecific user looks as follows:


####: [From #12 b4d5(VALID:925) Tofik]



there is no problem with checking guid.


On my server plenty of users have the following information in place of guid age.


####: [From #13 be05(?) [ii]maggot]


Looks PB is not able to gather guid age for all players.

Any ideas how to fix it?

Maybe pb cfghas to be changed?





its a pb issue.

PB cannot always retrive the GUID age of a certain player.

a honest player can play for hours before the PB server will get his guid age.

more-over, all players disconnect and reconnect to the PB server on map-change, so all their status is lost and needs to be retrived again, so a player that had a guid-age listed last map, might not have his guid-age listed now.


PB obviously dropped the guid-age thingie, propobly because some1 might be able to manipulate the date or something.

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest mazak

Hi again!


Some time ago I had an idea to create PB independent guid list with it's age...

There has been even some small development job in pseudo code which i had write:


It has to be based on ok_guids file created by luk4ward in his etadmin mod modification.


#Checking if guid is listed on defined DB != PB acceptable values 0 - feature turned off 1 - enable checking guids.


check_db = 1


now let's go to etadmin_mod.pl


#DB well known guids check



#this should be at beginning of etadmin mode code


$host = "";

$database = "ET_GUIDS";

$tablename = "OK_GUIDS";

$user = "guid_root";

$pw = "guid_pass";





elsif ( $config{'check_db'} && $line =~ /cl_guid\(\d+)\cl_punkbuster(\d+) (\d+)/ )


my $guid= $1;


$connect = Mysql->connect($host, $database, $user, $pw);


#only oldest entry in DB

$myquery = "SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE guid = $guid order by 'id' asc limit 1";

$execute = $connect->query($myquery);


$rownumber = $execute->numrows();

$fieldnumber = $execute->numfields(); #returns # of records of DB



print $rownumber."<br />";

print $fieldnumber."<br />";


#if function returns something -> checing date when it was added to DB

if ( $rownumber > 0)


while (@results = $execute->fetchrow())





#assuming that 2nd row is date when it was added to DB

$timeA = strtotime($t->date1->Getvalue());



if($g < 14)


&log("KEY DB AGE: $g less than 14 - Kick for Slot: $id($name)");

&say( $tmphash{$id}{'name'}

. "^7 has a GUID, is only ^3"

. $age.

. "^7 days old in our DB. Server refused entry!" );

&cmd( "pb_sv_kick $pb_id 1440 \"Your GUID is too new. Try again in "

. ( 14 - $g )

. " days\"" );

&disconnect( $pb_id - 1, $pb_id );





$date = timelocal(time);

$myquery = "INSERT INTO

$tablename (id, date, guid, ....)

VALUES (DEFAULT,$date,$guid, etc...)";









This is not code ...

I based on perl but made some entries just to know how my idea will work.




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