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Hey Guys,


I am having a bit of a weird issue happen on 3 of my servers. Every now and then when someone joins they get a "BANNED by Admin" message. There are no auto kicks running, no admins have been banning, and I have even tried changing the rcon pass to something only I would know. I was runnning Extreme, then switched to AWE in hopes that it would pass, but it is still there. I run a custom RCON on the server, took that off, and it was still there. I have gone through all of my configs, both mods, and the rcon, and nowhere in the either of those can I even find the text "BANNED by Admin". All of my current AWE configs are below. Can it be something in them that is causing this issue? Thanks in advance for any help I can get with this!!


Main Config:


//Public Information


sets sv_hostname "My Rifles only Server"

sets _Admin "ME"

sets _Email "my email"

sets _Website ""

sets _Location "Server Located in London, England"

sets _Irc "Auto Downloads ON"

sets _Mod "AWE"

sets _ModVer "Awe 3.0 B10"

sets _ModUpdate "Jan 7 07"

sets _Maps "COD2 Stock & Customs"

seta scr_motd "Welcome to my Server"




// Common/general Server Settings


// Network options

set net_ip "" // Set your servers IP address

set net_port "28960" // Set your port number

set com_hunkMegs "512"

set net_noipx "1" // Allow ONLY tcp/ip protocol, player/server communications


// Server Network Mode

set dedicated "2" // 0 = Listen, 1 = LAN, 2 = Internet


// Master servers

set sv_master1 "cod2master.activision.com"

set sv_master2 "cod2authorize.activision.com"

set sv_master3 "cod2master.infinityward.com"

set sv_master3 "cod2update.activision.com"

set sv_master4 "master.gamespy.com:28960"

set sv_master5 "master0.gamespy.com"

set sv_master6 "master1.gamespy.com"

set sv_master7 "clanservers.net"

set sv_gamespy "1"


// Password Settings

set rcon_password "??????" // RCON must supply pw to use

set sv_privatePassword "??????" // Private slots, non-public slots


// The following can be used to lock out the server so that only those

// players that have been provide the password can connect. Good for

// matches, practices, etc.

//set g_password ""


// Player slots setup

set sv_maxclients "17"

set sv_privateclients "5"


set sv_punkbuster "1"


// Ping

set sv_minPing "0" // MIN player ping on CONNECT, any lower and player isnt allowed to connect

set sv_maxping "0" // MAX player ping on CONNECT, any higher and player isnt allowed to connect


// Rate

set sv_maxRate "25000"


// FPS

//set sv_fps "20"


// Game Speed

set g_speed 165


//Map/Team/Player Settings

set g_deadChat "1"

set sv_allowAnonymous "0"

set scr_friendlyfire "0"

set scr_freelook "0"

set scr_spectateenemy "0"

set g_forceteamspectate "1"

set scr_teambalance "1"

set sv_invulnerabletime "5"

set g_teamswitchdelay "20"

set scr_drawfriend "1"

set scr_forcerespawn "0"

set g_antilag "0"


// Drop inactive players

set sv_timeout "300"

set sv_zombietime "1"

set g_inactivity "0"

set g_inactivityspectator "0"


// AntiFlooding Settings

set sv_floodProtect "1"

set sv_reconnectlimit "3"


// Anti Cheat Settings

set sv_disableClientConsole "0"

set cl_autocmd "0"

set sv_cheats "0"

set sv_pure "1"

set g_banIPs ""

set g_no_script_spam "1"


// Temporary Ban duration, in seconds

set sv_kickBanTime "600"


// Killcam

set scr_roundcam "0"

set scr_killcam "0"


// Allow Voting

// It is recommended if you have friendly fire on

// that you also enable voting so that players can kick team-killers.

set scr_allow_vote "1"

set g_allowvote "1"

set g_oldVoting "1"


// Log Settings

set g_logsync "2" // 0=no log, 1=buffered, 2=continuous, 3=append

set logfile "1" // 0 = NO log, 1 = log file enabled

set g_log "games_mp.log" // Name of log file, default is games_mp.log

set sv_log_damage "1"


// In-game voice communication system

set sv_voice "0"

set sv_voiceQuality "1"

set voice_deadChat "0"

set voice_global "0"

set voice_localEcho "0"

set winvoice_mic_mute "1"


// Client Download Settings. (0=off/1=on) Used for MODS, Custom Maps

//set sv_dl_maxRate "84000" // Max download speed 42000 = 12kb

set sv_allowdownload "1"

seta sv_wwwDownload "1"

seta sv_wwwBaseURL "http://www.my web.com"

seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "1"


// ********************************************************************************


// diagnostics

// ********************************************************************************


// server devmode 0 - 2

//set developer "2"


// test bots (can crash the server on next map!)

//set scr_testclients "2"


// freeze the bots to the ground?, easier when testing!

//set scr_botfreeze "0"


// debug bot weapons

//set ex_debugbots "1"


// ********************************************************************************



// ********************************************************************************



set scr_allow_springfield "1"

set scr_allow_enfieldsniper "1"

set scr_allow_nagantsniper "1"

set scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1"

set scr_allow_m1carbine "1"

set scr_allow_m1garand "1"

set scr_allow_thompson "0"

set scr_allow_bar "0"

set scr_allow_enfield "1"

set scr_allow_sten "0"

set scr_allow_bren "0"

set scr_allow_nagant "1"

set scr_allow_svt40 "1"

set scr_allow_pps42 "0"

set scr_allow_ppsh "0"

set scr_allow_kar98k "1"

set scr_allow_g43 "1"

set scr_allow_mp40 "0"

set scr_allow_mp44 "0"

set scr_allow_greasegun "0"

set scr_allow_shotgun "1"

set scr_allow_fraggrenades "1"

set scr_allow_smokegrenades "1"



// Init & Exec CFG Files




exec pb.cfg


exec awe.cfg


exec gametypes.cfg

AWE Config:


// General //



// Disable AWE (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

// Setting this to 1 will disable AWE.

set awe_disable "0"


// Show AWE logo under compass (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)

set awe_show_logo "1"


// Disable minefields? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set awe_disable_minefields "0"


// Show number of alive players in each team (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)

set awe_show_team_status "1"


// Killcam time in seconds (default 7)

set awe_killcam_time "0"


// Show health bar (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set awe_show_health_bar "1"


// Automaticly try to fix errors in maprotation (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

// After this has been done the dvar will be set to "0" so that it will only run when you start the server

// or reload your config file.

set awe_fix_maprotation "0"


// Use random map rotation (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)

// See the readme file for an explanation how this works.

set awe_random_maprotation "0"


// Rotate map if server is empty for x minutes (0 = disable feature) (default 30)

set awe_rotate_if_empty "10"


// 0 = no painsounds, 1 = painsounds (default 1)

set awe_painsound "1"


// 0 = no deathsounds, 1 = deathsounds (default 1)

set awe_deathsound "1"


// Automaticly check for and rename any duplicate player names (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)

set awe_dupecheck "0"


// Pop helmets (0 = off, other value = chance in percent that helmet will pop) (default 50)

set awe_pophelmet "25"


// Pop heads (0 = off, other value = chance in percent that head will pop) (default 0)

set awe_pophead "15"


// The following dvars controls which things trigger the pophead code (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)

set awe_pophead_bullet "1" // rifles, snipers and turrets

set awe_pophead_melee "0" // Melee

set awe_pophead_explosion "0" // Explosions


// Blood splatter on screen (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)

set awe_bloodyscreen "0"


// Cold breath effect in winter maps (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set awe_cold_breath "1"


// Models to use for the crush punishment

// NOTE! Every model increases the size of the gamestate, a too large gamestate will crash clients and/or server

set awe_crush_model0 "furniture_piano_d"

//set awe_crush_model1 "cow_dead_1"

//set awe_crush_model2 "horse_dead_2"

//set awe_crush_model3 "furniture_toilet"

// Other examples

//set awe_crush_model4 "cow_dead_2"

//set awe_crush_model5 "cow_dead_3"

//set awe_crush_model6 "horse_dead_1"

//set awe_crush_model7 "furniture_frenchbathtubporcelain"

//set awe_crush_model8 "vehicle_german_armored_car_d"

//set awe_crush_model9 "vehicle_civilian_car_d"

//set awe_crush_model10 "vehicle_civilian_car_red_d"

//set awe_crush_model11 "vehicle_civilian_car_white_d"

//set awe_crush_model12 "vehicle_tiger_snow_d"


// Stop clientside dvar exploits like r_lodscale, r_lighttweakambient and mss_Q3fs by forcing them to their default

// values. (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

set awe_stop_client_exploits "1"




// Fall Damage //



// Allow players to suffer damage when falling between min and max heights.

// The amount of damage is a function of the fall height between min & max



// Enable Fall Damage. (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set awe_falldamage "1"


// Minimum height to fall to suffer damage (default 256)

set awe_minfallheight "256"


// Maximum height to fall before dying (default 480)

set awe_maxfallheight "400"




// Turret options //



// Disable all MG42s in the map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set awe_mg42_disable "0"


// Disable all 30Cals in the map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set awe_30cal_disable "0"


// Times before a turret overheats (0 = disabled, any other = time in seconds (default 10)

set awe_turret_overheat "0"


// Time before an overheated turret starts to cool down (time in seconds) (default 5)

set awe_turret_cooldown "0"




// Weapon and grenade options //



// Use cookable grenades (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = yes but also shortens the throw distance to 75%, 3 = same thing but 50%) (default 1)

set awe_grenade_cooking "0"


// Override the default number of grenades (0 = don't override, other value = number of grenades) (default 0) (max 3)

set awe_grenade_count "1"


// Randomize number of grenades (0 = no, 1 = minimum 1 grenade, 2 = minimum 0 grenades) (default 0)

// If awe_grenade_count is used it will use that as the max number, otherwise it will

// use the weaponbased grenade count as max number of grenades.

set awe_grenade_count_random "0"


// Override the default number of smoke grenades (0 = don't override, other value = number of grenades) (default 0) (max 1)

set awe_smokegrenade_count "1"


// Randomize number of smoke grenades (0 = no, 1 = minimum 1 grenade, 2 = minimum 0 grenades) (default 0)

// If awe_smokegrenade_count is used it will use that as the max number, otherwise it will

// use the weaponbased grenade count as max number of grenades.

set awe_smokegrenade_count_random "0"


// Use colored smoke grenades (0 = no, 1 = Dale's colored smoke grenades, DaveW's colored smoke grenades) (default 1)

set awe_colored_smokes "0"


// Secondary weapon (0 = pistol, 1 = select from same team, 2 = select from the other team) (default 0)

set awe_secondary_weapon "2"




// Forcing weapons //


// This variables allow you to force specific weapons regardless of what the player choosed in the weapon menu

// By default these dvars are set to be empty which means it will not force weapons.

// If you set a variable to "none", that weapon slot will be disabled.


// You can override this settings for each team.

// For example:

// set awe_force_secondary "panzerfaust_mp"

// set awe_force_secondary_russian "fg42_mp"


// Example 2:

// set awe_force_secondary_american "bar_mp"

// set awe_force_secondary_british "bren_mp"

// set awe_force_secondary_german "mp44_mp"

// set awe_force_secondary_russian "fg42_mp"



set awe_force_primary "" // Valid values:

set awe_force_secondary "" // "colt_mp" "m1carbine_mp" "m1garand_mp" "greasegun_mp" "thompson_mp" "bar_mp" "springfield_mp"

// "webley_mp" "enfield_mp" "sten_mp" "bren_mp" "enfield_scope_mp"

// "tt30_mp" "mosin_nagant_mp" "svt40_mp" "pps42_mp" "ppsh_mp" "mosin_nagant_sniper_mp"

// "luger_mp" "kar98k_mp" "g43_mp" "mp40_mp" "mp44_mp" "kar98k_sniper_mp"

// "shotgun_mp"

// "none"




// Laserdot //



// Enable laserdot (0 = disabled, 1 = use red dot shader used by compass, 2 = use standard square shader) (default 0)

set awe_laserdot "0"


// Laserdot transparency (0 = invisible, 1 = solid) (default 0.8)

//set awe_laserdot_alpha "0.8"


// Size of dot

//set awe_laserdot_size "10" // Default for red dot shader

//set awe_laserdot_size "2" // Default for square shader


// Color (default 1,0,0)

// NOTE! Those are only used if awe_laserdot is set to "2"

//set awe_laserdot_red "1"

//set awe_laserdot_green "0"

//set awe_laserdot_blue "0"



// Spawn protection //



// Number of seconds that a spawned player is protected (0 = off) (default 0)

set awe_spawn_protection "6"


// The allow range to move before spawn protection is turned off. (default 50)

set awe_spawn_protection_range "0"


// Hud element indicating protection (0 = off, 1 = small, 2 = LARGE) (default 1)

set awe_spawn_protection_hud "1"


// Headicon indicating protection (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)

set awe_spawn_protection_headicon "1"


// Drop weapon if shooting someone while spawnprotected (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set awe_spawn_protection_dropweapon "0"


// Disable weapon while spawnprotected (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set awe_spawn_protection_disableweapon "1"



// Healthpacks //



// Each healthpack will get a random number of healthpoints between the min and max value



// Use healthpacks (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = yes, but do no print message) (default 0)

set awe_healthpacks "0"


// Minimum number of healthpoints in a healthpack (defailt 15)

//set awe_healthpacks_min "15"


// Maximum number of healthpoints in a healthpack (defailt 65)

//set awe_healthpacks_max "65"




// Override CoD2 standard stuff //



// Allow team selection (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

set awe_allow_team_select_dm "1"

set awe_allow_team_select_ihtf "1"

set awe_allow_team_select "0"


// Use death icons (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)

set awe_death_icons "0"


// Use grenade icons (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)

set awe_nade_icons "0"


// Drop weapon on death (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)

set awe_drop_weapon "1"


// Drop grenades on death (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)

set awe_drop_nade "0"


// Allow pistols (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

set awe_allow_pistols "0"


// Use shellshock (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)

set awe_shellshock "1"


// Use HUD score (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = on but does not show scorelimit) (default 1)

set awe_hud_score "2"


// Use objective points (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)

set awe_objective_points "1"


// Use damage feedback (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)

set awe_damage_feedback "1"


// Allow crosshair (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = force it on) (default 1)

set awe_allow_crosshair "0"


// Allow crosshair names (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = force it on) (default 1)

set awe_allow_crosshair_names "1"


// Allow crosshair to switch color while aiming at enemies (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = force it on) (default 1)

set awe_allow_crosshair_color "0"


// Gravity in percent of the default gravity (default 100)

set awe_gravity "100"


// Game speed in percent of the default speed (default 100)

set awe_speed "100"


// Force fading of the red compass dots to be quicker than default (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

set awe_quickfade_compass_dots "1"


// Respawn delay in seconds for CTF (default 10)

//set scr_ctf_respawndelay "10"


// Respawn delay in seconds for HQ (default 10)

//set scr_hq_respawndelay "10"


// Score for planting in SD (default 0)

//set scr_sd_plantscore "0"


// Score for defusing in SD (default 0)

//set scr_sd_defusescore "0"




// Ammo limiting //



// Unlimited ammo (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = yes + unlimited clip) (default 0)

set awe_unlimited_ammo "0"


// Unlimited grenades (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set awe_unlimited_grenades "0"


// Unlimited smoke grenades (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set awe_unlimited_smokegrenades "0"


// Minimum ammo in percent of max ammo for weapon (default 100)

set awe_ammo_min "5"


// Maximum ammo in precent of max ammo for weapon (default 100)

set awe_ammo_max "5"


// For example, if a certain weapon have a max ammo of 360, this setup will give

// the player a randomized ammo of 180(50%) to 270(75%)

// It will be applied for all weapons except grenades and panzerfausts.

//set awe_ammo_min "50"

//set awe_ammo_max "75"




// Weapon limiting //



// Sets the maximum number of weapons for each type and team (0 = no limit) (default 0)

// A weapon that has reached the limit will automaticly be removed if dropped.


//set awe_rifle_limit "0"

//set awe_boltrifle_limit "0"

///set awe_semirifle_limit "0"

//set awe_smg_limit "1"

//set awe_assault_limit "1"

//set awe_sniper_limit "0"

//set awe_shotgun_limit "0"


// !! NOTE !! Enabling limiting of bolt and/or semi rifle will disable the rifle limit


// Rifles: M1 Carbine, M1 Garand, Nagant, SVT40, Kar98k, Gewehr43, Enfield

// Bolt Rifles: M1 Carbine, Nagant, Kar98k, Enfield

// Semi Rifles: M1 Garand, SVT40, Gewehr43

// SMG: Greasegun, Thomson, Sten, PPS42, MP40

// Assault: Bar, Bren, PPSh, MP44

// Snipers: Springfield, Scoped Enfield, Scoped Nagant, Scoped Kar98k

// Shotguns: Shotguns




// Dead body handling //



// Remove bodies (0 = no, any other value = time in seconds before removing the body) (default 0)

set awe_remove_bodies "10"


// Sink body before removing (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

set awe_remove_bodies_sink "1"




// Tripwire //



// Enable tripwires (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = don't count teamkills, 3 = don't trigger on teammates) (default 0)

set awe_tripwire "0"


// Tripwire for each team (in DM, IHTF and LMS this number will be doubled) (default 5)

//set awe_tripwire_limit "5"


// Display warning for teammates (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

//set awe_tripwire_warning "1"


// Time needed to place a tripwire (default 3)

//set awe_tripwire_plant_time "3"


// Time needed to pickup/defuse a tripwire from the same team (default 5) (0 = impossible to defuse)

//set awe_tripwire_pick_time_sameteam "5"


// Time needed to pickup/defuse a tripwire from the other team (default 8) (0 = impossible to defuse)

// NOTE! For non-team based gametypes, all tripwires are treated as otherteam.

//set awe_tripwire_pick_time_otherteam "8"




// Fog overriding //



// Those settings should be always be tuned for each map.

// See fog.cfg for some examples.


// String containing ExpFog information (default "none")

set awe_efog "none"


// efog is used like this

// set awe_efog "A B C D E F"

// A = chance in percent for fog to be overridden

// B = Fog density

// C = Fog density2, if set to anything but 0, the fog will fade between density and density2

// D = Fog color, red intensity (min 0, max 1)

// E = Fog color, green intensity (min 0, max 1)

// F = Fog color, blue intensity (min 0, max 1)




// Unknown Soldier handling //



// Make them reflect friendlyfire (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

// (This will stay effective until the next map even if they change their name.)

set awe_unknown_reflect "0"


// Rename them automaticly (examples below)

// Player will get one of those names + a random number between 0 and 999.

// (They will still be threated like unknowns by the methods below and the friendlyfire reflect above.)

set awe_unknown_name0 "Forest Gump"

set awe_unknown_name1 "Bubba"


// Override message to display to renamed players, set it to "none" to disable the message completely

// set awe_unknown_rename_msg "none"


// Use a method to pester them (default 0)

// (Changing their name will stop this)

// 0 = do nothing

// 1 = make them drop their weapon

// 2 = keep them in shellshock

set awe_unknown_method "0"




// Next map voting //


// Vote for the next map from 5 random candidates (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)


// NOTE! Enabling this will disable random maprotation and the next map/gametype messages


set awe_map_vote "0"


// Timout for voting in seconds (min 10, max 180) (default 30)

//set awe_map_vote_time "30"


// Make last alternative an option to replay the same map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

//set awe_map_vote_replay "0"



// Health regeneration //



// Use health regeneration (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

set awe_regen "0"


// Use this to override the behaviour of the health regeneration system


// Developed by Wanna Ganoush -- www.anarchic-x.com

// More info here: http://www.iwnation.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=16712


// 0 = implements IW's "flawed" model (default)

// 1 = implements IW's "intended" model

// 2 = implements "healing regen limits" model

// 3 = implements "healing regen limits" and "pain"

set awe_regen_method "3"




// Server/Clan logo //




// !!IMPORTANT!! For advanced users only, follow those steps to change the text displayed


// 1. Open a3b9/server_logo/_awe_server_logo.gsc with your favourite text editor.


// 2. Change the text between the quotationmarks


// 3. Save your changes


// 4. Change the dvar below to "1"



// Show server/clan logo 0 = off, 1 = under ammo counter, 2 = centered) (default 0)

set awe_show_server_logo "1"




// Welcome messages //



// Delay (in seconds) between welcome messages (default "1")

set awe_welcome_delay "1"


// Welcome messages that are displayed to new players

set awe_welcome0 "^7Welcome to my Rifles Only Server"




// Server messages //



// Delay between server messages in seconds (default 30)

set awe_message_delay "30"


// Show next map and/or gametype as first message (0 = no, 1 = only map, 2 = lite, 3 = normal, 4 = extra) (default 2)

set awe_message_next_map "0"


// Loop messages (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

set awe_message_loop "1"


// Show messages for each player, idealy use this when message looping is turned off (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set awe_message_individual "0"


// Server messages

// There is no limit, the message system will start over

// automaticly when the last message has been displayed.

set awe_message0 "^1Welcome to My Rifles OPnly Server"

set awe_message1 "^3Please Follow All Server Rules!"

set awe_message2 "^4Please DO NOT Remain In Spectate...Spectate Is For Admins ONLY....Join The Game"

set awe_message3 "^2This Is A Stealth Hunt Tactical Game. ^1NOT A Run & Gun. ^3Crouch & Hunt Your Subject."

set awe_message4 "^5Please Do Not Run �€� ^1UNLESS�€� ^5Crossing LARGE Open Area's OR During Head To Head Fighting !"

set awe_message5 "^3Please Do Not Jump/Hop During A Fight."

set awe_message6 "^6Please Do Not Go Prone Once Engaged In A Head To Head Fight Regardless Of Distance."

set awe_message7 "^2Please Do Not Type Kill ^7(Avatar Above Head)^2. ^4Bypass Them And Move On."

set awe_message8 "^5Please Bypass A Player If They Are Facing A Corner And In-Active."

set awe_message9 "^2Please Do Not Engage When Spawning ^1UNLESS Fired At^2. You Are Protected 6 Seconds."

set awe_message10 "^5Please Do Not Engage A Spawning Player, Bypass And Resume Your Hunt."




// Anti Teamkilling (on by default) //



// Maximal allowed teamkills (0 = turns function off) (default 3)

set awe_teamkill_max "2"


// Number of teamkills before recieving a warning. (default 1)

set awe_teamkill_warn "1"


// Punishment method for teamkillers (default 3)

// 0 = disabled

// 1 = Use random punishment

// 2 = kill

// 3 = blow up

// 4 = crush

set awe_teamkill_method "0"


// Reflect damage after reaching max teamkills (0=no, 1=yes) (default 1)

set awe_teamkill_reflect "1"


// Message to display to a player reaching max teamkills.

set awe_teamkill_msg "^1Hold your fire Soldier! You are shooting at a team mate!!




// AWE Sprinting //

// (activated with the USE button) //



// Enable AWE sprinting (0 = off, 1 = while standing, 2 = stand and crouch, 3 = stand, crouch and prone) (default 0)

set awe_sprint "0"


// Sprinting speed (2-9 = 20-90% speed increase) (default 6)

//set awe_sprint_speed "6"


// Enable hud (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = alternate mode(reuses a commonly used shader)) (default 1)

//set awe_sprint_hud "1"


// Enable hud hint (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)

//set awe_sprint_hud_hint "1"


// Max sprint time in seconds (default 3)

//set awe_sprint_time "3"


// Max recover time in seconds (default 2)

// Total recover time for a full recover will be this time + the maximum sprint time

//set awe_sprint_recover_time "2"


// Make flag heavy (prevents sprinting when carrying a flag) (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)

//set awe_sprint_heavy_flag "0"



// Mortars //



// enable ambient mortars. 0 = off, 1 to 10 = number of mortars to use (default 3)

set awe_mortar "0"


// Use random mortars instead of player tracking (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

//set awe_mortar_random "0"


// Use earthquake near mortar explosion (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

//set awe_mortar_quake "1"


// prevent the mortars from hitting players. (0 = deadly, 1 = safe) (default 1)

//set awe_mortar_safety "1"


// minimum delay between a mortar's firing cycle (seconds) (default 20)

//set awe_mortar_delay_min "20"


// maximum delay between a mortar's firing cycle (seconds) (default 60)

// the actual delay is a random value between _min and _max,

// and is independant for each mortar.

// i.e. with _min = 20, _max = 60, each mortar will wait randomly

// from 20 to 60 seconds between firing rounds.

//set awe_mortar_delay_max "60"




// Damage modifiers //



// American

set awe_dmgmod_greasegun_mp "0"

set awe_dmgmod_m1carbine_mp "60"

set awe_dmgmod_m1garand_mp "65"

set awe_dmgmod_thompson_mp "0"

set awe_dmgmod_bar_mp "0"

set awe_dmgmod_springfield_mp "75"

set awe_dmgmod_frag_grenade_american_mp "85"

set awe_dmgmod_colt_mp "65"


// British

set awe_dmgmod_enfield_mp "75"

set awe_dmgmod_sten_mp "0"

set awe_dmgmod_bren_mp "0"

set awe_dmgmod_enfield_scope_mp "75"

set awe_dmgmod_frag_grenade_british_mp "85"

set awe_dmgmod_webley_mp "65"


// German

set awe_dmgmod_kar98k_mp "75"

set awe_dmgmod_g43_mp "65"

set awe_dmgmod_mp40_mp "0"

set awe_dmgmod_mp44_mp "0"

set awe_dmgmod_kar98k_sniper_mp "75"

set awe_dmgmod_frag_grenade_german_mp "85"

set awe_dmgmod_luger_mp "65"


// Russian

set awe_dmgmod_mosin_nagant_mp "70"

set awe_dmgmod_svt40_mp "70"

set awe_dmgmod_pps42_mp "0"

set awe_dmgmod_ppsh_mp "0"

set awe_dmgmod_mosin_nagant_sniper_mp "75"

set awe_dmgmod_frag_grenade_russian_mp "85"

set awe_dmgmod_tt30_mp "65"


// "Common" weapons

set awe_dmgmod_shotgun_mp "55"

set awe_dmgmod_panzerfaust_mp "65"

set awe_dmgmod_panzerschreck_mp "65"


// Turrets and tanks

set awe_dmgmod_mg42_bipod_duck_mp "90"

set awe_dmgmod_mg42_bipod_prone_mp "90"

set awe_dmgmod_mg42_bipod_stand_mp "90"

set awe_dmgmod_30cal_prone_mp "90"

set awe_dmgmod_30cal_stand_mp "90"



Gametypes Config:


// ********************************************************************************


// Deathmatch

// ********************************************************************************


set scr_dm_scorelimit "500" // Map score limit

set scr_dm_timelimit "21" // Map time limit - 0 to 1440, in minutes


// ********************************************************************************


// Team Deathmatch

// ********************************************************************************


set scr_tdm_scorelimit "600" // Map score limit

set scr_tdm_timelimit "31" // Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440


// ********************************************************************************


// Search and Destroy

// ********************************************************************************


set scr_sd_timelimit "0" // Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440 (set to 0 if using roundlimits)

set scr_sd_graceperiod "30" // Time at round start where spawning and weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60 seconds

set scr_sd_roundlength "4" // round length in minutes

set scr_sd_roundlimit "0" // Max Number of round wins per map

set scr_sd_scorelimit "10" // Map team score limit per map

set scr_sd_bombtimer "60" // Set the time it takes for the bomb to explode 30 - 120 secs

set scr_sd_planttime "5" // Set the time in seconds to plant the bomb 1 - 30 secs (default 5)

set scr_sd_defusetime "10" // Set the time in seconds to defuse the bomb 1 - 30 secs (default 10)


// ********************************************************************************


// Headquarters

// ********************************************************************************


set scr_hq_timelimit "25" // Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440

set scr_hq_scorelimit "700" // Score limit per map



// ********************************************************************************


// Capture the flag

// ********************************************************************************


set scr_ctf_timelimit "30" // In minutes, Time allowed to play on one map before map automatically rotates.

set scr_ctf_scorelimit "10" // Maximum team score allowed before map automatically rotates.

set scr_ctf_spawndelay "10" // Time player waits to respawn

set scr_objectiveicon "0" // Show flag post location on HUD when flag is missing 0=off 1=on


// ********************************************************************************


// Hold the flag

// ********************************************************************************


set scr_htf_timelimit "25" // Time limit in minutes (default 20)

set scr_htf_scorelimit "10" // Score limit (default 5)


// The mode cvar controls how the hold time is handled (default 0)

// 0 = holdtime for each time is kept no matter which team currently has the flag

// 1 = enemy hold time is decreased to zero before own hold time is increased

// 2 = enemy hold time is zero:ed as the flag is stolen.

// 3 = enemy hold time is zero:ed as your team score

set scr_htf_mode "0"


set scr_htf_holdtime "90" // Time in seconds required to hold the flag before scoring (default 90)

set scr_htf_flagspawndelay "15" // Time in seconds before the flag respawns

set scr_htf_flagrecovertime "0" // Time in seconds before a dropped flag automaticly recover (0 = never recover flag) (default 0)

set scr_htf_removeflagspawns "1" // Remove the TDM that is used as the flag spawn (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

set scr_htf_spawndelay "10" // Time player waits to respawn

// Show team score in CoD2 fashion? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set scr_htf_teamscore "0"



// ********************************************************************************


// Induvidual Hold the flag

// ********************************************************************************


set scr_ihtf_flagspawndelay "10" // Time in seconds before the flag respawns (default 15)

set scr_ihtf_timelimit "30" // Time limit in minutes (default 30)

set scr_ihtf_scorelimit "100" // Score limit (default 30)

set scr_ihtf_respawndelay "5" // Respawn delay in seconds (default 10)


// Use random flag spawns for every flag spawn except the first one (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)

set scr_ihtf_randomflagspawns "1"


set scr_ihtf_pointsforkillingplayers "1" // Score received for killing regular players (default 0)

set scr_ihtf_pointsforkillingflagcarrier "2" // Score received for killing flag carriers (default 1)


// Score received for certain events

set scr_ihtf_pointsforstealingflag "2"

set scr_ihtf_pointsforholdingflag "5"


set scr_ihtf_holdtimetoscore "30" // Time in seconds required to hold the flag before scoring (default 30)

set scr_ihtf_maxholdtime "180" // Max hold time in seconds (default 180)


// Time out in seconds for stealing flag before it respawns elsewhere (default 180)

set scr_ihtf_flagtimeout "180"


// Minimum distance a player can spawn from the flag (default 1000)

set scr_ithf_spawndistance 1000


// ********************************************************************************


// Last team standing

// ********************************************************************************


set scr_lts_timelimit "0" // Time limit in minutes (set to 0 if using roundlimits)

set scr_lts_scorelimit "10" // Score limit

set scr_lts_graceperiod "8" // Time at round start where spawning and weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60 seconds

set scr_lts_roundlength "2" // round length

set scr_lts_roundlimit "10" // Max Number of round wins per map


// ********************************************************************************



// ********************************************************************************



// Time limit in minutes (default 20)

set scr_lms_timelimit "21"


// Score limit (default 3)

set scr_lms_scorelimit "10"


// Minimum players before match will start (default 4)

set scr_lms_minplayers "1"


// Period in seconds that players are allowed to join (default 15)

set scr_lms_joinperiod "8"


// Kill the winner when the duel has ended (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)

set scr_lms_killwinner "0"


// Time for the Kill-O-Meter in seconds (default 60)

set scr_lms_killometer "60"


// Time for the Duel period in seconds (default 60)

set scr_lms_duelperiod "60"




// ********************************************************************************


// Map listing and what game types they support

// ********************************************************************************


//Rotation Map Name Real Map Name DM TDM SD CTF HQ CHQ HTF LTS

// ********************************************************************************


//mp_breakout Villers-Bocage, France X X X X X X X X

//mp_brecourt Brecourt, France X X X X X X X X

//mp_burgundy Burgundy, France X X X X X X X X

//mp_carentan Carentan, France X X X X X X X X

//mp_dawnville St. Mere Eglise, France X X X X X X X X

//mp_decoy El Alamein, Egypt X X X X X X X X

//mp_downtown Moscow, Russia X X X X X X X X

//mp_farmhouse Beltot, France X X X X X X X X

//mp_harbor Rostov, Russia X X X X X X X X

//mp_leningrad Leningrad, Russia X X X X X X X X

//mp_matmata Matmata, Tunisia X X X X X X X X

//mp_railyard Stalingrad, Russia X X X X X X X X

//mp_rhine Wallendar, Germany X X X X X X X X

//mp_toujane Toujane, Tunisia X X X X X X X X

//mp_trainstation Caen, France X X X X X X X X




// Map Rotation and Starting Map


// Clear the current map rotation (should one exist)


set sv_maprotationcurrent ""


// This cvar sets your small map rotation. Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.

// [map rotation]//set scr_small_rotation ""


// This cvar sets your medium map rotation. Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.

// [map rotation]

//set scr_med_rotation ""


// This cvar sets your large map rotation. Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.

// [map rotation]

//set scr_large_rotation ""


// First gametype to load

// ********************************************************************************


// gametype: tdm, dm, sd, hq, ctf, lts, htf and chq

set g_gametype "dm"



// Map Rotation normal ( pick only one )



// DM:

set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_brecourt gametype dm map mp_burgundy gametype dm map mp_powcamp gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_anzio gametype dm map mp_dawnville gametype dm map mp_commando1_1 gametype dm map mp_salvage6 gametype dm map mtl_the_rock gametype dm map mp_streets2 gametype dm map mp_downtown gametype dm map mp_provence2 gametype dm map mp_depot gametype dm map Waterfall gametype dm map mp_farmhouse gametype dm map tigertownfinal gametype dm map mp_harbor gametype dm map mp_sevastopol gametype dm map foucarville gametype dm map mp_leningrad gametype dm map mp_ao_beta gametype dm map mtl_hobbiton gametype dm map mp_matmata gametype dm map amd_stadt gametype dm map mp_the_dam gametype dm map mp_railyard gametype dm map mp_frutown gametype dm map mp_toujane gametype dm map mp_the_garage"






// Starting Map

map mp_decoy



Punkbuster Config (added just to rule out PB, but it happens with or without this):

//Auto Generated by PunkBuster Server

pb_sv_MsgPrefix "^3PunkBuster Client" //[PB Message Prefix (default=^3PunkBuster Client)]//PB Client Downloads Settings

pb_sv_MaxDlRate 12 //[KB/sec requested per file (default=4)]

pb_sv_MaxConDls 1 //[concurrent downloads (default=1)]

pb_sv_updategrace 500 //kicks a player with no updated status (300-600)


//PB CVAR Check Settings

pb_sv_CvarFreq 4 //[# of range checks per minute]

pb_sv_CvarLogging 2 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=Var Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither]

pb_sv_CvarWalk 0 //[0=disabled, 1-4=Walk through obtained Cvar lists]

pb_sv_CvarUserPulse 15 //[How often (in min.) to auto-send CvarUser command]

pb_sv_CvarChangedPulse 15 //[How often (in min.) to auto-send CvarChanged command]


//PB Log Settings

pb_sv_CQC 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)]

pb_sv_LogSync 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_LogCeiling 5000 //[High log filename serial #]


//PB ScreenShot settings

pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #]

pb_sv_SsCeiling 5000 //[High screenshot filename serial #]

pb_sv_SsCmd "" //[Filename of system command to run after screenshots]

pb_sv_SsWidth 320 //[Requested pixel width of remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsHeight 240 //[Requested pixel height of remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsXpct 50 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsYpct 50 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsSrate 2 //[sample Rate for remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsDelay 0 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot]

pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved]

pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 360 //[Minimum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss]

pb_sv_AutoSsTo 600 //[Maximum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss]

pb_sv_AutoSs 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

PB_SsSave 0

PB_SsLog 0

pb_LogToFile 0


//PB Scanner Settings

pb_sv_md5toolfreq 60 //[Time in seconds between md5tool checks (default=60)]

pb_sv_Sleep 500 //[# of Milliseconds (default=60)]

pb_sv_KickLen 2 //[minutes (default=2)]

pb_sv_guidRelax 4 //[1=UNKN, 2=WRONGIP, 4=DUP (add desired values)]


//PB Power Settings

pb_sv_PowerMin 10 //[power points]

pb_sv_PowerDef 1 //[power points]

pb_sv_PowerKickLen 2 //[minutes (default=5)]


//PB Web Settings

pb_sv_httpPort 80 //[port #]

pb_sv_httpAddr "" //[external IP Address]

pb_sv_httpRefresh 30 //[seconds]

pb_sv_httpKey "" //[key]

pb_sv_httpMaps "" //[map list (separate by spaces)]


//PB Monitored Game Settings

pb_sv_scoreKick -05 //[minimum score (negative)]


//PB Ban Settings

pb_sv_autoUpdBan 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_banload pbbans //load ban list


//Player Name Settings

pb_sv_changePeriod 999 //[seconds]

pb_sv_changeMax 5 //[max name changes allowed]

pb_sv_dupNameGrace 0 //[seconds]

pb_sv_extChar 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_emptyname 1 //disallow empty names

pb_sv_minName 3 //must have at least 1 character in name

pb_sv_noguidgrace 30 //kick a player with no guid in seconds (0-300)


//Remote Log settings

pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg //load remote logging settings (if pbsvlog.cfg exists)


pb_sv_badnameDel 1 //empties list so BadNames dont pile up, resets list.

pb_sv_badnameDel 2

pb_sv_badnameDel 3

pb_sv_badnameDel 4

pb_sv_badnameDel 5

pb_sv_badnameDel 6

pb_sv_badnameDel 7

pb_sv_badnameDel 8


pb_sv_badname 60 *** //30 seconds to change your name

pb_sv_badname 60 flip

pb_sv_badname 60 bad word

pb_sv_badname 60 feces

pb_sv_badname 60 asshole

pb_sv_badname 60 scumbag

pb_sv_badname 60 1 console

pb_sv_badname 60 crap

pb_sv_badname 60 UnamedPlayer

pb_sv_badname 60 ogc

pb_sv_badname 60 ^^00Unknown ^^11Soldier

pb_sv_badname 60 noskill

pb_sv_badname 60 noname

pb_sv_badname 60 {T!T}

pb_sv_badname 60 (T!T)

pb_sv_badname 60 flip

pb_sv_badname 60 feces

pb_sv_badname 60 {cl}

pb_sv_badname 60 {Cl}

pb_sv_badname 60 {CL}

pb_sv_badname 60 asshole

pb_sv_badname 60 =R.E.X=

pb_sv_badname 60 R.E.X

pb_sv_badname 60 REX

pb_sv_badname 60 rex

pb_sv_badname 60 snip3r6yrs

pb_sv_badname 60 dragonbrat

pb_sv_badname 60 DragonBrat

pb_sv_badname 60 DRAGONBRAT

pb_sv_badname 60 micho

pb_sv_badname 60 bad word

pb_sv_badname 60 bad word

pb_sv_badname 60 Trojan

pb_sv_badname 60 trojan

pb_sv_badname 60 tit

pb_sv_badname 60 tits

pb_sv_badname 60 dick

pb_sv_badname 60 penis

pb_sv_badname 60 bastard

pb_sv_badname 60 Thumb

pb_sv_badname 60 Raped

pb_sv_badname 60 Rape

pb_sv_badname 60 Pussy

pb_sv_badname 60 Clit

pb_sv_badname 60 Tit

pb_sv_badname 60 Tits

pb_sv_badname 60 motherfliper

pb_sv_badname 60 flip

pb_sv_badname 60 flipyou

pb_sv_badname 60 wash your mouth

pb_sv_badname 60 feces

pb_sv_badname 60 flip

pb_sv_badname 60 b1tch

pb_sv_badname 60 Motherfliper

pb_sv_badname 60 Son of a b1tch

pb_sv_badname 60 dick

pb_sv_badname 60 whore

pb_sv_badname 60 bad word

pb_sv_badname 60 pussy

pb_sv_badname 60 El infierno

pb_sv_badname 60 la Mierda

pb_sv_badname 60 Maldice

pb_sv_badname 60 Jode

pb_sv_badname 60 Como

pb_sv_badname 60 la Ramera

pb_sv_badname 60 la Madre

pb_sv_badname 60 fliper

pb_sv_badname 60 elHijo de una Ramera

pb_sv_badname 60 Dios Maldice

pb_sv_badname 60 la puta

pb_sv_badname 60 el coño

pb_sv_badname 60 L'enfer

pb_sv_badname 60 l'Ane, la Chienne

pb_sv_badname 60 fliper de Mère

pb_sv_badname 60 le Fils d'une

pb_sv_badname 60 Hölle

pb_sv_badname 60 Schei�Ÿe

pb_sv_badname 60 Fickt

pb_sv_badname 60 Esel

pb_sv_badname 60 Weibchen

pb_sv_badname 60 Mutter fliper

pb_sv_badname 60 Sohn

pb_sv_badname 60 von einem Weibchen

pb_sv_badname 60 Hure,

pb_sv_badname 60 Fotze

pb_sv_badname 60 Muschi

pb_sv_badname 60 De hel

pb_sv_badname 60 de Drol

pb_sv_badname 60 Vervloek

pb_sv_badname 60 Neukt

pb_sv_badname 60 de Ezel

pb_sv_badname 60 Hoer

pb_sv_badname 60 Moeder fliper

pb_sv_badname 60 Zoon

pb_sv_badname 60 van een Hoer

pb_sv_badname 60 Vervloekt God

pb_sv_badname 60 poes

pb_sv_badname 60 Jefkoff

pb_sv_badname 60 nigger

pb_sv_badname 60 kkk

pb_sv_badname 60 Baby Killer

pb_sv_badname 60 Mommmy

pb_sv_badname 60 daddy

pb_sv_badname 60 mom

pb_sv_badname 60 dad

pb_sv_badname 60 mum

pb_sv_badname 60 child

pb_sv_badname 60 hoe

pb_sv_badname 60 fag

pb_sv_badname 60 Waffen

pb_sv_badname 60 ckc

pb_sv_badname 60 a3rox




PB_SV_TaskDel 1 //empties list so tasks dont pile up, resets list.

PB_SV_TaskDel 2

PB_SV_TaskDel 3

PB_SV_TaskDel 4

PB_SV_TaskDel 5

PB_SV_TaskDel 6

PB_SV_TaskDel 7

PB_SV_TaskDel 8

PB_SV_TaskDel 9

PB_SV_TaskDel 10


pb_sv_task 50 260 "pb_sv_bindsrch centerview"

pb_sv_task 60 270 "pb_sv_bindsrch updatescreen"

//pb_sv_task 70 280 "pb_sv_bindsrch com_maxfps" //curiosity killed the cat

pb_sv_task 80 280 "pb_sv_bindsrch m_pitch" //headshot cheat search


*REMOVED* Dont post cheat CVAR checks in the public areas

We get the same message with your recommended PB Setup.


Here is a screen shot of console message after ban:

Posted Image



Sorry for posting the language in the PB config, but I wanted to post it as is...


I have tried everything I can think of to get rid of this "BANNED by Admin" message people get. PLEASE HELP!!



Edited by AcE

If your servers are streaming then the players that are trying to connect are most likely on the MBI/Master Ban Index (MBI). That's the exact message people get that have been banned. I don't think you want them on your server...


The people who are getting this ban message are other Server Admins including myself who all run very clean installs. There are other regular players who have been getting this ban as well. The thing is it doesn't happen all the time. I can jump in on the server, play for a while, jump off for lunch, then get banned when I try to get back on. I can then make 4-5 more attempts to join and after a while finally get on the server. Other times this can go a coule of days with no one getting it, then out the blue....more bans. It is getting to be a pain in the behind, if you know what I mean... :blink:




Use PB_SV_BanList via rcon to check who is banned from your server.


PB_SV_UnBan [slot #]

Unbans a player from the ban list stored in memory; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command


PB_SV_UnBanGuid [guid]

Unbans a guid from the ban list stored in memory; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command


I have access to the ban list and have gone through the list, logs, etc looking for my name, other admins, etc. I have taken our names off any list I have found, but we still get this message from time to time. That is the thing...it happens at random. :blink: :blink:


Wouldn't that just say "Server Disconnected" - Player Kicked?? I just did a COD2 Rcon kick(not PB) and that is what I got.


I found the root of the issue, or at least I hope I did. I decided to backup the PB folder on my server, and then dlete it and upload a copy from my own test server. I had noticed that there were differences in one of the files..somehow one of the PB files became corrupt. All is running well now! Thanks to all who helped!


Why not stream that server to PBBans? Will open up a whole new world of things to see here at PBBans ;)

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