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hay algun numero maximo de servers ??

actualmente tengo 6 servers streaming a pbpbans.. pero cuando agrego el 7 no me sale en la lista de servers pero me dice que esta agregado :blink:


I do not understand your language......but here is what I am thinking you are asking......


There is no maximum number of servers a team can stream.

The number of servers listed in your signature photo is only updated once every 3 hours. So, if you added more, it will take some time for the signature to refresh to show them all.


Also, this server ( ) is not configured to stream properly. Go back over the RCON commands once more.


hay algun numero maximo de servers ??

actualmente tengo 6 servers streaming a pbpbans.. pero cuando agrego el 7 no me sale en la lista de servers pero me dice que esta agregado :blink:

but i see green on my list :unsure:


It may be green on your list....but the ucon is not setup properly. The data streaming appears like this:


[01.30.2007 21:39:51] ->�������������H���XI+Y�����mp��


I don't think that is a limit (if exist, you can ever create a new account for them)


I have actually 8 servers streaming, and everything runs smooth ;)

Maybe some of your servers has been added manually before you started to add them to account, wait some hours and recheck.


Try to upload the premade configs from the other post to the failing server, just in case something wrong.

Restart and wait a few minutes, and check streaming servers again.


You may want to upload pre-made configs to all servers, since they activate the screen shots (that you must review time to time)



*Thanks for the help, bob ;), he was asking for servers not appearing on the server list on Account Manager, not only on sig.





No creo que haya limite, (y si lo hay siempre puedes crear una cuenta nueva para ellos)


Yo tengo 8 servidores configurados, y sin problema ;)

Quizas alguno de tus server se añadieron manualmente antes de que los añadieras tu a la cuenta, espera unas pocas horas y vuelve a comprobar.


Prueba a subir las configs del otro post al server que falla, por si hay algo mal.

Reinicia y deja unos pocos minutos a ver si sale en streaming.


Te aconsejo subir los ficheros en todos, ya que asi activas las capturas de pantalla (que tendras que revisar de vez en cuando)



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