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I am with a new team and when I attempt to re-apply for server admin privledges, it shows Im already an admin, but Im not, as I dont have access to the private area.


Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks


You are not associated with any account atm.

You are not associated with any account atm.



Correct, It will not let me re-apply because the sytem thinks im still an admin when I go to the Application page.


System believes you are a member not associated with any streaming server

I cannot see you listed as a member of TA #1510 anymore so I am not sure what the problem may be - so if you could explain what happens exactly that would help.




When i re-apply, I go to the new application page as seen in att 1 I agree to the TOS, and then I get the screen in att 2. which tells me I already have admin.




Thanks - The info will be passed on and investigated and we will have you sorted asap :)




There is an app from you allready and it was approved. Seems you got removed from that account



Team: Pain from Above (-=PFA=-)

Account ID: 1510

Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 0)




Server List




User List


Toker (113487)

InFLicTioN (113890)


Correct, that was my original team.


I am now with a different team, and attempting to set up an account to stream our pub server.


I am having same problem, I believe. A server I have paid for and have admin and all passwords, was managed by someone else. I no longer wish this to be the case. I have removed his server admin info but when anyone enters server it still says Welcome <username> to Reign of Chaos. I would like to remove that but have NO idea how. Someone please help and in the simplest form because I am new to his. I did submit a team application and it did ask for clan or group name. I dont really have one, just wanted to have a COD4 server streaming PB.

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