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hi, i was speaking to a member of a team who just trounced all over us, and asked if he had any hints, he told me to chnag emy rates


/rate 20000

/snaps 40

/cl_maxpackets 100


now aparently this improves hitting and aim he said but beofre do it i wanna make sure that it isnt cheating, because it kinda seems like it is cos ur changing the setting to improve ur own gameplay... any help would be appreciated :D


I wouldn't say that is cheating. It only adjusts your connection settings in an attempt to improve the connection between your client and the server. In fact changing to those settings might not help at all. Every person's connection is different, and what works for one may not work for another. You can give it a try, but don't be suprised if you see no difference. :D


There is an issue with certain fram rates making jumps that would otherwise not be possible, possible. Most leagues and ladder do not consider that a cheat as anyone can set their max frame rates. The favorite trick though is to have ket binds to make those changes. I have also been hearing about a way to manipulate the net code to infact make you appear to be warping as if you're lagging when you actual have a good ping to the server. I haven't been able to track down any actual facts as yet but I have had 4 different people from different groups contact me and ask me about it. The lagging effect makes it really hard to kill you apparently while not affecting your aim and play at all. In COD dialup transfer rate is 2500 I believe, setting your transfer rate below that would affect how you appeared to others.


Yes, Laggy people are very hard to kill :P A member of my clan was on dialup, and sometimes it was unreal how nobody could ever hit him.


...k well i think the whole on purpose lag/warping is happening alot cos i have a demo where everyone had good pings but occasionly it looked as if they were warping/lagging when they moved


but guess im just new wot wud i know lol


:D I'll sniff around on some of the busier cheat sites and see what I can find. If we can figure how exactly they are doing maybe we can stop it.


This is not a cheat > You can adjust any ingame setting

/rate 20000

/snaps 40

/cl_maxpackets 100


Most servers have cvar checks > Our servers are set to >

pb_sv_cvar cl_maxpackets IN 30 100

pb_sv_cvar rate IN 2500 25000

pb_sv_cvar snaps IN 20 40

If you are snaps 50 then you will be Auto kicked and told why from server for 2 minutes.

Simply change snaps to re-connect.

These Settings help to keep the server laggy free


Dont know for sure if its the same as ET as far as the warping effect goes...but myself and a friend used to play ET with the bare min of MB in our machines...and we was told that we had the effect of us warping even though our pings were averageing 40 ....once we installed extra MB...the warping effect stopped ( and yes..the game even looked like it was warping from my side)...so maybe they have the bare minimum of MB if you see someone warping with a good ping.....just an observation..not an answer..hope it sheds extra light.


Here is the basics of some fo the reports I have recieved.. Player A is on a server playing just fine for over an hour. No warp, no lag. Player A gets owned several times by Player B. Player A departs the server, returns in a few minutes, has the same ping but now warps and is twice as hard to kill.


If I had been told this from one source I would shrug it off, but I have been told about such behavior on 5 different occassions and by three people I know to be trust worthy.


While low MB is a fact of life for some players, if a player adjusts their setting to give themselves an advantage over other players then I have an issue with it.


That's a good question Droo. If you work under the premiss that it's your erver, your rules, then you could insert a cvar check for rate and set it as high as you feel comfortable with.


pb_sv_cvar rate IN 5000 25000


That would be a good place to start. Maybe add other checks. I think that there is an impression that just because you can drop a console and change settings in a game that it makes it ok to do so. I can't speak for anyone other than myself and perhaps The Cheat Police. At CP we preach playing the game "Out of the Box" and this includes settings. Anything you have to drop the console for to make adjustments to in-game settings like snaps and rate and such is strictly discouraged. You'll notice that there is no snaps or fps settings within the multiplayer area. Inshort the settings were not meant to be adjusted by the player or they would have put that option in there.


finally i found somehwere that agrees with how me and my clan feel about it all...now just gotta find a league that adopts the same idea!!!


Check your PM's. Sent you some league info. Didn't want to spam the thread here. :D


finally i found somehwere that agrees with how me and my clan feel about it all...now just gotta find a league that adopts the same idea!!!


yeah im cod leader and server admin for our cod team..why??


Because your account is set to "normal user" and not "game admin"


This is what caused it:


* Clan or Group Website http://www.theoutcasts.co.uk (verified can't find public members list though)


We have to be able to verify your status....i.e. Clan Leader/Server Admin listed on the website.


that will work for now but get it set up so that we can publicly access a roster with who's who in your group would really help out in the long run.


kk..but only cos ur pic has made me scared of ya :P

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