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Adding [AA] Bans?

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Guest [FBI]_Inque187

:roll: How do we add bans to this forum? We have tons of game server admins that are adding bans to PrettySadBusiness AMBL and AirDaleOps. How can they add the bans if they are not allowed to post in that particular forum??


The admin must register and then they will be allowed to post their bans in the private area. When the PBBans system goes live it will be a lot easier to add the bans.

Guest [FBI]_Inque187

So those who are registered cannot add bans to the "America's Army Bans" Forum??


So those who are registered cannot add bans to the "America's Army Bans" Forum??

You need to be a 'verified admin'. The need to have a valid account here to be able to submit bans in the private areas. The public areas are just that public.


If you have friends (server admins) that are not registered here as server admins then please have thm register. Then all bans and logs they have can and will be accepted.


Its a simple rule, in order for us to accept bans from a trusted admin they need to become 'trusted' first. They do this by registering and having their account activated.

Guest [FBI]_Inque187

Ok, so how come I can't post any bans in the private area??


If you are referring to the forum area "America's Army Bans" ... this area is for the site admin to post the bans after they are manually entered into the current bans system. It is meant as a viewing area of the bans...and not a post/reply area as the Private and Public forum areas are.


In order to add bans to this area, the registered/validated server admin will post their bans to the area "America's Army Private Discussion Area"


I've changed your account. I've noticed that you have not posted one verifiable ban to us in all the time you have been a member here. The only bans I can find that you did post about isn't in the format that we can accept. ie: they look like you hand wrote them. The screenshots of the "proof" of the few posted cheaters you have supposedly caught isn't available with the links you provided. I would assume you are deleting the proof or just never actually uploading them. Also I've noticed the configs that you've put on our forums to assist the aa admins here contained information that would have forced them to stream their logs to the other site and didn't bother to inform anyone. I had to download them and look at them myself to find that out. Which personally I find a little duplicitous. Since you don't plan on assisting us at all. I've changed your account permissions.


This is the only warning I will give you. Next warning I feel needs to be issued to you will cause me to delete your account here with us.

Guest [FBI]_Inque187

I posted 2 bans a while back when no one was doing squat in this forum. There were screenshots for those bans and those were 3 months ago when you guys didn't have a format for posting bans. I had been asking to boost this section of your forums but my posts and PMs went unanswered. The screenshots were removed from my domain because they were proven to be cheats, added to the master banlist, 3 months old and I needed to make space. These players that I banned and proved were cheating remain on the ban list to this day. The files that have the streaming information CAN BE EASILY EDITED FOR SERVER USAGE by any common sense person. If you don't want or have streaming capability - REMOVE THE LINES YOU DON'T NEED!


Fine if you want to change me back to a Normal user, then so be it. I am a Forum Mod over at blah blah and a trusted server admin for the [AA] community. I am also responsible for putting out the latest hack detects for md5 tool and I have provided countless assistance for [AA] admins. I heard stories about you guys and your immaturity but I figured I better give you the benefit of the doubt. Looks like you guys proved the stories true. Delete my account please, since if you can't trust me or see thru your immature ways and reasoning.


You trusted me before and nothing was done for months, that is why I went to Blah Blah. At least they got their shit together and don't revoke people's group status for nothing. Act your age and get off your high horse. If all other admins and forums can see that i have contributed without question, then why can't PbBans???


I am not some chicken-shit person/web designer/server admin and I have many years of experience with this matter and dealing with folks like you. Your loss not mine. Good day!


(You will probably delete this post so that the truth cannot be revealed to the public. Prove me wrong?)


Your lack of education in this area amazes me.


We are immature....we close accounts.....we block access......I think you need to check whose bed your sleeping in before venturing out into the real world.


(You will probably delete this post so that the truth cannot be revealed to the public. Prove me wrong?)

I can see your rant, so I guess everyone else can see it too. We do not delete posts or edit them in anyway. You are free to speak your mind and when you do it will be here for everyone to see.



You trusted me before and nothing was done for months, that is why I went to P_u_n_k_s_b_u_s_t_e_d.com. At least they got their shit together and don't revoke people's group status for nothing.

You were a member of 'punks' long before you ever came here. Oh and another thing THEY do delete accounts or restrict IP addys. In fact they even go as far as blocking IP ranges. Not too mention one of their main supporters and donators of the servers blocks his servers he rents from streaming here. The same person also blocks IP addresses from the admins here so we cannot even verify there accounts.


You amaze me..... Prove me wrong... Tell 'punks' that you decided to stream here and watch what happens to your account. Watch who the kids are then. Try it.... you'll see.


Anyways, sorry for your loss, I am sure you will see the errors of your ways. You live in Sacto, give me a call and I'll take ya to lunch. 916-227-5414

Guest [FBI]_Inque187

Stream here? I haven't streamed anything here. The bans I posted were from my own server before I became a PrettySadBusiness Forum mod. I even posted them on 3 other forums that same day. And the .cfg files have been on my website for all to download for a good while now. I just submitted those files to PrettySadBusiness and they posted them about 2 days ago.


And as for lunch, sorry but I am heterosexual and prefer the company of a woman when I go out to eat. Thanks but no thanks. Buh-bye!


You were a member of 'punks' long before you ever came here.  Oh and another thing THEY do delete accounts or restrict IP addys.  In fact they even go as far as blocking IP ranges.  Not too mention one of their main supporters and donators of the servers blocks his servers he rents from streaming here.  The same person also blocks IP addresses from the admins here so we cannot even verify there accounts. 


You amaze me.....  Prove me wrong... Tell 'punks' that you decided to stream here and watch what happens to your account.  Watch who the kids are then.  Try it.... you'll see.


Anyways, sorry for your loss, I am sure you will see the errors of your ways.  You live in Sacto, give me a call and I'll take ya to lunch.  916-227-5414

Full of it still I see Warmonkey? :roll:


They dont delete accounts; they do however block ip address of those that become childish (that includes you with your petty attacks that are totally unfounded)


This site DOES deletes accounts/posts and IP's so wheres your logic? I happen to know several Admins at the other site have had this done.


As for Clanwarz, well they have just seen the level of professionalism of some of the staff here and you drove them away so you only have yourselves to blame there.


The other site would not ban accounts for people streaming here; I suggest you get your facts right or rather reveal the ACTUAL truth rather than your childish version of it.


As for Clanwarz, well they have just seen the level of professionalism of some of the staff here and you drove them away so you only have yourselves to blame there.

Didn't mention ClanWarz.... but I am glad you did. Ya renting servers and website with restrictions on them and not informing your clients... Hmm that's real professional. :roll:



The other site would not ban accounts for people streaming here; I suggest you get your facts right or rather reveal the ACTUAL truth rather than your childish version of it.


As for my proof.... thanks for coming here and showing just how ignorant you are. I have my proof so I will show it to ya.




PBBans Staff




Joined: 07 Mar 2004

Posts: 764

* Location: Netherlands

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:26 am    Post subject:     




same for me, I cant view that link since I am banned from that forum as well. Reason: 



Your membership status was set to INACTIVE for the following reasons: 


not interested in ambl. has no intention of streaming. pbkidz member. 



the other site Staff 

Any thing else you wanna add....??? This reminds me of 'cock roaches' when ya turn out the lights the come and play and spew garbage. Turn on the lights and educate people with the truth and they run and hide.


I see you still reply without actually answering any questions :roll:


You didnt have to mention Clanwarz, considering the professional post you have on the front page it was a fair assumption.


What they do with thier site and servers is entirely there business.


As for Johnny_Q as he was known; he was banned for the very same reasons as you, acting like a 4 year old - glad to see hes at home here. So raising this issue was a non starter.


ahh i see all the "normal user accounts" grouping together. So sc may i ask what your purpose in being here is, if we are so bad? Just to fan the flames when you get the chance? Or do you serve some productive purpose to this community?


And yes i deactivate accounts like i did today with the guy who was posting comments to people that have nothing to do with pbbans, punkbuster software, master ban lists or anything constructive at all. He was posting bans with no proof. What should i have done? Let him continue to harrass people here? Read the TOS in this case it applies and was applied.


In my eyes posting in a private thread falsified information with no proof to back it up more then once is a account deletable offense. And our TOS clearly states that also. All of Inque's posts contained links (that didn't work any more) but when they did they were links to altered images. He was made aware of this and asked repeatedly to submit the actual .png files and the connection info. Instead he posted dummied up pbbans.dat style info in place of connection info. And instead of posting the original unaltered ss's of these "hackers" he supposedly caught he just moved on to new threads and posts. Not the type of server admin we need here.


ahh i see all the "normal user accounts" grouping together.  So sc may i ask what your purpose in being here is, if we are so bad?  Just to fan the flames when you get the chance?  Or do you serve some productive purpose to this community?


And yes i deactivate accounts like i did today with the guy who was posting comments to people that have nothing to do with pbbans, punkbuster software, master ban lists or anything constructive at all.  He was posting bans with no proof.  What should i have done?  Let him continue to harrass people here?  Read the TOS in this case it applies and was applied.


In my eyes posting in a private thread falsified information with no proof to back it up more then once is a account deletable offense.  And our TOS clearly states that also.  All of Inque's posts contained links (that didn't work any more) but when they did they were links to altered images.  He was made aware of this and asked repeatedly to submit the actual .png files and the connection info.  Instead he posted dummied up pbbans.dat style info in place of connection info.  And instead of posting the original unaltered ss's of these "hackers" he supposedly caught he just moved on to new threads and posts.  Not the type of server admin we need here.

I dont know who you are referring to; I was simply replying to Warmonkeys comments who critised the other site for banning people; yet the very same goes on here, so it wasnt a valid argument.

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